Saturday, February 6, 2021


 Someone burnt the middle of the stem of one of my plant, she also bent the stem of my other plant. Which means someone broke into my rental place again. Thw girl so who always breaks in and steal threatened me yesterday as we passed by each other on the stairs (she changed from mushroom hairstyle to clamping her hair to the back). She said she was going to steal, right now. The people in the neighborhood said she was wearing one of my clamps. I was in a hurry and I did not pay attention. When I got home last night I found out that clamp was moved from the original place where I used to store it to somewhere else in my bedroom. She probably  broke in to return it after she was busted and she took this chance to ruin my plants, again. Someone told me she was using my rental place to do prostitution businesses. That is why she breaks in all the time. Even one of the members from one church I go to head about it.  I have not seen it with my own eyes so I do not know. They even said lots of police are her prostutional customers and that was why they did not investigate or arrest her. The girl thief mentioned many times regarding she ruined my plants with the excuse that I am going back to US, she stole this but not that because that was too bitter, she admitted she stole my food and gave some to a kid to eat so it was not his position to report her to me because he was part of it. That was how cunning she is. The other lady said the girl stole my grocery cash coupons and she used them all on herself without giving them out.

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