Thursday, February 18, 2021


 尋日又俾人整死咗一棵植物。 一翻到屋企樓上成日入我屋偷嘢破壞嘅冬菇頭女人嗌落嚟話"見到你要洗錢我心都涼埋"。咁即喺話洗錢喺一種懲罰,對於佢嚟講人喺唔使洗錢嘅,唔知佢平時食呀用呀嘅嘢喺咪全部都喺爆格入我屋企偷翻嚟咖呢?聽講佢老豆好有錢同時俾佢租兩個單位, 既然佢哋自小都唔習慣洗錢,咁唔通佢啲租錢都喺喺我屋企偷嘅?我冇咁多Cash嫁噃,唔通佢偷我啲嘢嚟變賣?我兩年嚟損失咗3萬幾蚊嘢,唔通因為佢?同埋點解佢要嗺住我嚟偷嘢破壞呢?唔通佢收咗人錢要令我身敗名裂,窮足一世?甚至想將我折磨至死?頭先又喺正我頭頂上面揼地板,又重步跑,日日如是,我喺房,佢就揼房,我喺廳佢就揼廳,我喺厨房,佢揼厨房,我喺厠所,佢揼厠所,仲喺我大便時大聲喺樓上講我啲私人嘢,提早嘈醒我攪到我經常唔夠瞓又話好在有佢。仲教疏人哋啲細路做同樣嘅嘢。

Yep, that's right! You get your free stuff by breaking into my place, stealing from me and ruining my belongings, you take your marks of Criminal Records for free as well. Good deal huh!

The day before yesterday, someone killed another one of my plants again. When I went home, the mushroom head who always broke into my rental place to steal and ruin screamed from upstairs,' It make me feel so good to see you having to spend money, you deserve it.' (Well I did spent some money to buy hair ties because she broke mine, used some of mine and stole many of mine.) That means to her spending money is a punishment, usually people do not have to. It also implies that she usually and almost never sees her mom and dad using money before. My question is does it mean whatever she has been eating and using are from breaking into my place and stealing from me? I also heard that her dad is very rich so she is currently renting two apartments at the same time even though she does not need both of them. And if she and her family do not have to spend any money, does it mean even her rent money are stolen from me? But I do not have that much cash, has she been stealing my belongings and sell them for money? I have lost more than 30000HKD worth of money and belongings since 2018, has it been because of her? And why has she have to be targeting me to steal and ruin my stuff? Has she got paid to ruin my life, finance, reputations, health and even my life? Does she want to torture me to death? Just before I left home that day, she hammered on her floor right above my head and ran with heavy steps again. She has been doing that almost every single day. When I was in my room, she did that in my room, when I was in the living room, she did that in the living room, when I was in the kitchen she did that in the kitchen, when I was in the bathroom, she hammered on the ceiling of my bathroom. Lots of times, they even screamed out loud my private info when I was pooping. And she and her friends woke me up before I really needed to make me lack of sleep all the times, then they would say, it was good that they woke me up. She and her friends even taught the children to do the exact same criminal acts.

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