Friday, February 19, 2021


其實X-MEN喺咪想話俾我哋聽我哋人類應該交叉咗啲男人呢?又或者男人應該多個X染色體等佢哋女性化啲呢?又抑話當男人多咗個X 染色體之後變得女人啲就有超能力呢?跟住啲普通嘅男人就妒忌,叫佢哋MUTANT不特止,仲要將佢哋趕盡殺絕呢?咁算唔算性別歧視呢?既然女人明顯哋好過男人,皮膚又滑過男人,樣貌身材又靚過男人,能力又超過男人,佢哋啲男人仲要咁自大,成日詐騙,妒忌心又重,一唔夠人離就亂咁踐踏人破壞人哋嚟抬高自己,EQ又底,鍾意用武力解決問題,點解男人仲要存在呢?要佢哋嚟托咩!簡直嘥米飯浪費資源自尋煩惱。。。。。。。喺喎,唔記得咗,佢哋喺精子製造器同儲物櫃,加多個泵,不過唔使任何努力唔覺意就做咗,咁算啦,俾面上帝留佢哋一條狗命,人工受孕好貴嫁!

Do X-MEN try to tell us that we should cross men out from the human species, or do they try to tell us it is better for men to have an extra X chromosome to become more feminine, or are they telling us when men become more feminine with additional X chromosomes, they will have super power like women? Then why do they not just add WO in front of MEN instead of an X?  Do you think they try to tell us the ordinary men will get jealous at the feminine men and not only calling them names like MUTANT, but also want to eliminate them from the universe? Is that called sexism then? Since women are obviously better than men, their skin is smoother than the men's, faces and bodies are prettier than the men's, women are more capable than men, and yet men are still so arrogant, so deceitful, so easy to get jealous, men step on people and ruin their lives when they are worse than others to make themselves feel better, men have low EQ, they like to solve problems with violence, so, why should men still exist? Are we not wasting burgers, pizzas and resources and giving ourselves problems by keeping them here?....................Oh I almost forgot, they are actually sperm producing machines and lockers with pumps, that is it! And they do not even need to pay any effort or do not even realizing it when they do that! Oh they are naturals blah blah blah blah blah.......Whatever! Let us just keep those garbage here for a little bit longer, artificial insemination is expensive anyways!

Men Can Never Catch Up With Women In Terms Of Functionality But You Can Use Goodyear  Products To At Least Make Your Looks And Your Brains A Little Closer To The Women's So That You Will Have Higher Self Esteems Instead Of Attacking Women Because Of Your Jealousy And Your Testosterones Centre & Pharmacy


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