Saturday, February 27, 2021


 從前有個律師幫會計師樓老闆打緊官司,佢今日第一次做埋會計實習生,但喺就俾唔同人重復強烈譴責話: 你只喺做好咗會計盤數咋,仲以為你咁快幫人做埋手術添, 都喺俾阿黃醫生會計師做埋你個位好啲嘞。

Once upon a time there was a lawyer who had been working on multiple court cases for the accounting firm owner and today she simultaneously worked as an accounting intern as well for her first. There were multiple people stepped on her saying,' You only finished the accounting works? I thought you worked so fast that you already finished doing the surgeries as well. We should ask the surgeon-accountant Dr. Wong to take your job instead.'

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