Tuesday, February 23, 2021


What am I running for? President?

快步半跑行翻來合成熱到阿媽都唔認得,到底喺阿媽唔認得我吖定我唔認得阿媽呢?成五十年嚟對於我嚟講仍然喺一個謎。 話時話,我原本已經知我嚮合成喺人工最低嘅圓工,至於我嘅學歷同資歷啱啱相。。。。唉算嘞,無謂自吹自擂,我最近發現我嘅人工仲低過失業救濟金,咁即喺華我唔做仲多錢過做,咁。。。我做嚟做咩呢?。。。不過呢個世界喺講人情味唔喺講錢嘅,合成有咁多香水止汗水呀就喺解嘞,以防人情味濃得滯可以掩飾一吓,食人情味喺會飽嘅,不過唔好空肚食噃,好傷胃咖。跟住我又諗到既然我交咁多學費讀到金精火眼仲浪費咁多時間,人工同冇讀過書冇分別甚至仲低過佢哋,咁,我嗰廿幾卅年讀嚟做乜呢?幼稚園都費事讀,直接三歲做童工,咁我依家應該草到好多錢。有啲人又嚟懶喺幫我出頭同老闆交涉問佢點解俾咁低人工我,咁我又想請問,點解您哋又唔高薪請我呢?您哋差撚住我成八十歲嘅老闆都冇用,七十嘅八十年壞習慣,點改炙。您哋想幫我呢個一無所有冇事業冇老公無兒無女冇錢嘅老太婆(阿伯母!),高薪請我做醫療方面嘅工啦,正所謂醫者父母心,我冇仔女不過我想做您老母呀,好唔好炙?吓?阿醫療專業老闆人士部乖仔乖女!咪當幫吓您老母囉,我做咗廿年多嘢,捱得咖,有毒。。。讀過吓書,又肯學嘢。您阿MA有MA。。。相等嘅DE。。。嫁。有咩好介紹通知同聘請您老母我吖!我嘅履歷推薦信齊晒等您嫁!老闆根本就唔想俾我,您哋咁差撚住佢仲等佢不停咁踩我去說服人哋我唔值咁多錢添,搞到我身敗名裂想事業有成都幾難喇,尋日之嘛,只不過同時俾多兩粒朱古力我食,佢竟然嚮我人工低到貼地嘅時候話我乜都要多,佢呢句說話喺打橫咁車埋嚟。另一次我只係將我自己帶返嚟嘅食物帶返屋企食,佢話我貪心,嗰次就喺遙距咁打橫車過嚟再車埋其他同事度抹黑我。我嚮公司俾人偷嘢整爛我啲嘢,佢話都唔知喺唔喺,冇理過。唔該您哋俾多啲生意佢啦,佢呢啲寂寞老人,心理喺有啲唔平衡㗎喇,生意可以平行番。。。我相信。。。仲有呀,另一個更好解決辦法就喺高薪挖角。。。我,幫佢除咗我呢口眼中釘,咁佢嘅心理健康將會得到更大進展。拜託拜託,感激感激。多謝您幫阿老闆佢老人家臨老都過得世,佢都要留番啲錢俾自己去買生果架。

Half running half walking back to Goodyear and I was sweating like crazy. Then I started thinking why did I even rush to a job like this? I knew that I earn the least among all my co-workers while my education and work experiences are the oppxxxxx. And recently I even found out that the unemployment subsidies from the government are even higher than my salary. So I earn more if I do not work. Hmm...make lots of sense. But this world is all about love and relationships among friends, colleagues and families, is it not? That is why Goodyear has so many perfumes and deodorants because we are like a big family and we are so close that we are able to smell one another including our customers. We just try to make that intimate experience more pleasant. Love can fill our stomach anyways, why do I and I only bother earning the wages? Then I started thinking about why did I spend so much money, time (20 to 30 years), energy and youth on my education while the money I earn after all those tortures is the same as or even lower than the one who does not have any education? I should have started working when I was 3 years old, forget about the kindergarten. Maybe I would have saved a lot of money by now. Some people came here to challenge my boss asking him why did he pay me so little? My question is why do you not hiring me with a reasonably high salary if you think that my boss is unfair to me? Well who knows who is help who more? Maybe I can help you make more money than you think, by God's grace. It does not work by challenging my 70 almost 80 year old boss, how can he change his 8-decade-bad-habbits? If you really want to help this old woman me (physiological age 47) who has nothing, no husband no kid no career no money no no (hair removal product, that I don't need because I don't shave, built in fur is the only thing I have), please hire me with a reasonably high salary to work in the medical field. I want to take care of your health like your MAMA even though I do not have kids.  If your company or organization has any good position that is suitable for me, please feel free to contact and hire me, your MAMA. Do you want me to be your MAMA, honeys? Huh? I have my resume, reference letters, and certificates all ready for you. The boss does not even want to pay me, you keep on challenging him will make him continuous to step on me just to convince others that my work do not worth that much, that may end up ruining my reputation so bad that I may not be able to find a good job, ever. Just yesterday, my co-worker gave me 2 more pieces of chocolates, he claimed that I wanted a lot of everything (greedy) provided that my salary had been the lowest, so low that it is embarrassing. Last time as I brought the food I bought back home from work, he said I was selfish, in front of my coworkers. So he is trying to build an image about me that I am greedy and selfish, what a great name. After my stuff was stolen and damaged at the workplace, he said it was not even happening and he did not do anything about it. So please give my boss the lonely old man more business to make him mentally healthier, there must be some chemical imbalanced in his brain or something, and more business will improve the situation. Another even better solution is to hire me with a high salary, just to get rid of me from Goodyear, so that my boss does not have to face me everyday (Monday to Friday) anymore, then his brain will be definitely cured. Because I am actually a thorn in his flesh, psychologically, and possibly neurologically. Please please please, I will be very grateful if you can do both, get rid of me from Goodyear, by hiring me with a super nice job, and give my current boss lots and lots of money to buy oranges. He needs Vitamin C to resist diseases (COVID 19 you know) at his old age.

Goodyear The Door Is There Feel Free To Go.....And Come Perfume Centre & Please Give Our Very Old Boss Lots Of Money To Buy Fruits And Vitamin C So He Can Work Against COVID 19 For Pharmacy


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