Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Lice Job

Lice View

Lice Weather

Have A Lice Day

 Lice To Meet You

Lice To See You Again

May I Have A Lice Tea Please

I Met A Lice Guy At The Party

Your Dress Looks Lice On You

You Have A Lice Head On Your Shoulders

KU-LICE APPLICATION Benzyl Benzoate 25% w/v

Direction for Use 用法:
Treatment of pediculosis (lice infestation)
  1. Wet the hair and then apply half bottle of the lotion
  2. Wash the hair with soap and water after 24 hours
  3. Comb the hair with very fine comb
  4. Repeat the above procedures after 7 days if necessary
  1. 弄濕頭髮後將若半瓶祛虱露倒於手上,完全搽勻患者之頭髮
  2. 約24小時後用香梘及清水沖洗頭髮,用較密梳子梳頭,以使頭虱及卵子梳去
  3. 如有需要,可七日後重複以上治療步驟,每瓶祛虱露可作兩次使用。

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