Thursday, February 18, 2021




Eating SHARK DIN SOUP at Goodyear with HK SOUP served on the hide

By the way, since we are talking about fish, our Jovell Skincare Products contain extracts from their Eggs and their ocean neighbor's Pearls. Hollywood Secrets you know? It sounds so cheesy....but Caviar goes good with cheese though! What are you, Beverly Hills people? Are you biscuits or crackers?

Goodyear Put Caviar and Pearls On Your Skin Perfume Centre & Pharmacy


HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274

I heard that this whatever magic wand thing can turn you from a panda to a polar bear in 5 terms of your eye areas.

嗱! 魚子醬呀! 仲有珍珠末呀! 食啦。。。叫您塊面。。。叫您塊面食呀!又緊又緻又滑又彈又白又剩呀! 珍珠末幫您定埋驚添呀! 以後唔洗驚。。。老啦! 咁大枝有排用啦! 用唔哂嚟搽面攞去搽麵包啦! 面服好喇喎,唔好口服喎,放脷底同直接打入血管都唔喺咁好㗎噃。用吓腦吖唔該!唔好淨喺死要面!
Take them, Caviar, and Pearl Powder, eat them.......IN YOUR FACE. Firm and bouncy and white and light and bright and illuminating (whoops!)! They are such big bottles you can use them forever! If you cannot finish spreading them IN YOUR FACE, spread them on bread or something! Then eat it IN YOUR FACE, do not consume it orally, sublingually nor intravenously nor  other parenteral ways, for Christ sake! Use your brain, people!!!  Don't just use YOUR FACE!

Notes: 5 MINUTES? Are you a mutant or something? Wolverine? Self repair right after injuries? HUH?!!!! PROVE IT!!!
Here's my proof!!! It's not 5 minutes, it's 5 seconds! I use Jovell. Even gunshot can be healed, who cares about those little bit of UV and aging and free radical damages !!! Piece of cake!!! Skin cancer? Ask my oncologist and dermatologist! I got one on my nose before I used Jovell and now it's gone! Thank God!!! And you should try using this Jovell Moisturizing Sunscreen Day Cream as well!

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唔係想分鐘,喺5秒鐘,連粒子彈都𦧲埋黜嚟,仲要即刻滑溜溜,您啲毛孔黑頭有冇我個子彈窿咁大吖?冇吖嘛!證明啲嬌維有效啦!紫外線?自由基?衰老? 咩嚟咖?我識佢喺老鼠!皮膚癌?我生過呀,嚮個鼻,未用嬌維之前,好翻好耐啦!感謝主!西人個鼻高皮膚又冇咩黑色素保護喺麻煩啲㗎喇!有咩就問我個腫瘤科同皮膚科醫生啦!最好就用埋呢隻嬌維補濕防曬霜啦!

Use this, you spotty 101!
用埋呢隻啦笨, 您班101!
(I am a Disney fan, sometimes!)
Jovell Essential Moisturizing Day Cream SPF 30
Jovell 補濕防曬日霜

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