Saturday, February 13, 2021


 遙距傷害人身體都做得出,監察住我思想行為腦電波,夾埋身邊啲人嚟控制我,攪破壞偷嘢傷人爆竊有咩做唔出炙! 個精神病精神電子武器攪咗最少三年都仲要掩息,賴喺我的問題,佢哋有份,驚俾人揭發,咪喺度整色整水囉! 認咗魔鬼撒旦做老豆喇佢哋,撒旦喺謊言之父,佢哋知咖可?

The Psycho Psychotronic Weapon remotely hurt my body and monitor my thoughts, behaviors and brain waves, criminal damaging my belongings and intently harming my body and burglaries are not  surprises at all. The weapons have already been attacking me for over 3 years they still use the people around me to cover up the nonsense and blame that it is my problem. What is the point? The only reason I can think of is they are part of the psychotronic weapon scheme and they do not want me to expose them. That is why the have been lying together for the satanic weapon and against me. I guess their daaaaaaddy is satan because satan the devil is the father of lies.

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