Monday, February 8, 2021



 用完花王清洗護理面部肌膚後,再搽啲北海道馬油滋潤身體皮膚,再噴阿三宅一生嘅淡香水吊一吊味(佢一生只喺有三個住宅單位),再用你屋企個電飯煲煮兩嘜靚米或者壽司米食,臨瞓前再用髮之素按摩頭皮去對抗頭髮稀疏。。。你望吓塊鏡,嘩! 成個日本人咁呀!嗰啲走難避日本仔呀三年零八個月呀攪到我哋袓先一無所有食樹皮嘅日子,當粉筆字抹咗佢算啦! 如果第時想"上車"Honda呀Toyota呀副偈㯲過好多其他牌子車嫁,生埋個女諾,咪送隻或者一屋My Melody呀Hello Kitty過佢囉。若果不幸地你嚮你人生當中塊面突然爆瘡,咪用獅王祛痘膏祛一祛佢哋囉。。。。不過咁攪法算唔算侵華,我哋會唔會變咗漢奸呢?可?

After using Curel for the routine skincare of your face, put Hokkaido Horse Oil on your body to prevent dry skin. Then wear some Issey Miyake L'eau Dizzy........D'issey EDT to enhance your flavor.........aroma. Afterward, use your rice cooker to make 2 cups of rice or sushi rice for dinner. Right before you go to bed, massage Kaminomoto Super Strength Hair Serum into your scalp to fight severe thinning of hair. Look into your mirror, see, you are officially a Japanese now. Those 3-years-and-8-months invading-China-that-made-our ancestors-losing-everything-and-had-to-eat-bark......time, let us forgive them. In the future, if you want to have a car, Honda and Toyota have pretty durable good performance engines. And if you give birth to a baby girl, you can buy her a or a whole house of My Melody or Hello Kitty stuffed toy(s). If unfortunately, you have pimples during your life time, Lion Pair Acne with Cream is also an option to get rid of them. Well I do not know if it will be counted as another Japanese invasion of China, or will we become betrayers of our country though.

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