Friday, February 26, 2021


趁今日元宵佳節,嚮猜燈謎嘅同時,順便宣佈埋呢個好消息,為慶祝埋三八婦女節同合成五十週年紀念日,3月份特別加推VIP會員現金券活動,會員於三月份內憑手機訊息獲贈Chanel或YSerras香水試用裝及一張$100現金券。 至於尋覓如意郎君呢家嘢喇喎,順其自然啦,各位三八婦女,妳咪用合成啲護膚品化妝品髮品補品呀咁扮到神火咁靚去猜燈謎囉,買滿500蚊就做到會員咯,容乜易炙,跟住三月就有現金券同埋香水攞咯,扮靚啲猜得準啲嫁,啲燈謎!到咗三月咪攞埋啲券再買再扮靚啲囉,將妳自己同埋妳嘅親愛的,約定妳喇!

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, we would like to celebrate that by announcing the good news for another celebration day, International Women's Day. In March all Goodyear VIP members can use the 100HKD cash coupon to shop at Goodyear. You may come to any branch of Goodyear Perfume Centre to get the coupon after receiving the message we send you. Every VIP member will also be getting Chanel or Y Serras Mini Perfume according to the received message. If you would like to become our members to get this offer, you can shop from us, you can become our VIP member after 500HKD purchase from any of Goodyear branches. Then use our products to yourself even more beautiful on this Chinese Valentine's Day, maybe get a boyfriend or something. If not? who cares? You are beautiful no matter what. Enjoy the moment you look into the mirror, enjoy the healthier you. Then come again in March using the coupons to make yourself and your loved ones healthier and prettier. Why not?
Goodyear There Maybe A Supporting Man Behind Every Single Successful Woman And If Not It Doesn't Matter Our Heavenly Father Has Your Back No Matter What Perfume Centre & Pharmacy

HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


Special Offers: 

After purchase of Goodyear products for over 180HKD, you will receive Montee Cleansing Milk or Toner for an addition of 118HKD Plus You will receive 2 Coryse Masks(original price 144HKD) with an addition of 36HKD.

Evoluderm Water Spray 400ml (80HKD) Buy One Get 150ml Water Spray Free
Purchase of Evoluderm products for over 300HKD, you will receive Cleansing Water (original price 105HKD) Free 


凡購滿$180可以$118換購Montee Cleansing Milk 或T及以$36換購Coryse 面膜2份
凡購買Evoluderm 400ml 清新噴霧免費送150ml Evoluderm清新噴霧
凡在合成購買Evoluderm 產品滿$300即送價值$105的全能卸妝水

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