Saturday, February 6, 2021


 Several days ago, the middle age lady bent my glasses frame by throwing objects at my head (the police wanted me to let that lady go without pressing charges against her even I repeated several times that I wanted to go to the police station to submit an official report) and I found out there are several scratches on the glass after I took the glasses to the shop to fix them, the shop owner (accroding to what she told me) offered to clean my glasses and she wiped them with her cloth, she told me I should not think too much and I should take it easy. I did not see the scratches there before. I am not pointing out who did that I am just telling you all the facts. I am praying that God will restore to me 7 folds of what I have lost His way, either through taking back from the damages or some other ways, punish whoever purposely did the damages. I also pray to God to give me perfect vision and make my eyes perfectly healthy. Then I will not have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to fix my eye problems. Yesterday, I went to the shop to double check my glasses, after they fixed the frame  I was asked by the owner to leave the shop even I said I have further discussion with the owner. She said me and my bag was in their way. I left the shop and stood outside. But then I saw the optometrist walked up to the owner and I overheard the optometrist questioned the owner "why did you break her glasses, and I heard the owner said "she was picking up garbage. " Then I saw the optometrist  walked out of the store. All the above is my true story based on what I know.

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