Thursday, February 11, 2021


 呢隻香水堅料呀各位同學,呢隻香水除咗抵買之外,仲有BB爽身粉香味,而宜成份猛料,由高濃度計起,Coumarin, 有防癌瘇瘤及治療癌症功效,仲有抗凝血,抗炎,擴張血管(降血壓,防止血管閉塞,亦"有抗菌抗感染功效。跟住就喺 Geraniol, 香葉醇(Geraniol)是玫瑰油、馬丁香油和香茅油等香精油的主要成分之一,也少量存在於天竺葵和檸檬中(維基百科)。香葉醇對醫治及防止癌症,糖尿病,痛症,發症炎,細菌感染都有相當嘅功效。其亦有效防止及治療高血糖,真菌感染及潰瘍等症狀。再加上Geraniol有抗氧化及神經系統之保護能力能有效地延緩甚至防止柏金遜症及老人癡呆症。

Coumarins exhibited antitumor activities at different stages of cancer formation through various mechanisms, such as blocking cell cycle, inducing cell apoptosis, modulating estrogen receptor, or inhibiting the DNA-associated enzymes, such as topoisomerase (Emami and Dadashpour, 2015). 

From: Value-Added Ingredients and Enrichments of Beverages, 2019

Coumarins are phenolic substances composed of fused benzene and α-pyrone rings. At least 1300 different coumarins have been identified. Coumarins have antithrombotic, antiinflammatory, and vasodilatory activities. Warfarin is the most popular one and it is used as an oral anticoagulant and rodenticide. Coumarins may also have antiviral effects and are highly toxic in rodents. Some of the coumarins compounds have antimicrobial effects such as an inhibitory effect against C. albicans and thus can be used to cure vaginal candidiasis. In addition, coumarins can induce macrophages which exert a negative effect on bacterial infections.

Geraniol is a monoterpenoid and an alcohol. It is one of the 200 terpenes produced by the cannabis genome. It is the primary component of rose oil, palmarosa oil, and citronella oil (Understanding Terpenes: Geraniol
and Wikipedia). It has potential efficacy for major diseases like cancer and diabetes and conditions such as pain, inflammation, and bacterial infections. The anti-inflammatory powers of geraniol make it an effective element in the fight against a variety of diseases based in or strongly characterized by this condition. This includes arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. Geraniol has also demonstrated efficacy against hyperglycemia, fungal infections, and ulcers. Its proven antioxidant and neuroprotective properties mean that it may be an effective tool against diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. (Understanding Terpenes: Geraniol)

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