Monday, June 22, 2020


其實呢,我喺鏡頭前個樣呢,都幾似女強人,尤其喺著咗恤衫再紮嗰髻嗰陣,但喺冇嘢做又強唔出咩樣,惟有日日著恤衫紮髻喺個鏡頭前面對住個MON扮女強人, 雖然只係睇四仔,但喺起碼個殼似,強住一半先,遲啲強埋另一半,等自己身心靈都有啲滿足感啦。
Actually, I think, I kind of look like a CEO in front of the camera, especially when I wear a shirt and tie up a bun on my head. However since I am so unemployed, I can only have a C. Therefore I prefer to tie up a bun and wear a shirt in front of the camera everyday, and look at the monitor all day long just to pretend to be a real CEO, although I just watch porn usually. At least I have the CEO look and so I achieve a third of it, and I can wrap it up later by completing the other two third. I do all these just to satisfy my body and soul a little bit so that I do not kill myself.

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