Friday, June 26, 2020


This was the email content I sent to a social worker who has been trying to help me:
As you know I have been trying to move out of this place since last year and my family banned every single one of my chosen places. Even they said  I can choose, but right after I made the decision they banned it. My dad continue to let my bro to hold on to the money and my brother kept holding on to it without letting me move to the place I want. After I choose the place that met their criteria, my brother added more criteria and banned my idea. So as my dad, he stepped on the choice I made even after I choose the place very close to where we used to grow up, and the price was much lower.

I got a feeling that they did it on purpose to trap me here so that people can continue to control me, steal and damage my stuff. One time I showed the bruises to my bro and sharp glass that the burglars left behind, and the stained bed sheet, he said that I hurt myself, broke the glass and stained my bed and lied about them. His wife was on his side. They yelled at me on the street and said my brain had problems. They even tried to ruin my reputation in public so that no one will believe what I say.

My bro told me I can choose the apartment that is closed to my dad, so I found some and walked there to look at them. But on my way there, people bumped a wheelchair with a person on onto my feet. I asked him to stop and he lied that he could not stop and push even harder. My right foot was swollen after that. When I met my bro and his wife in Hung Hom, I told my bro's wife my foot was swollen, she did not even care, and a lady at the store said 抵死,I hurt my foot because I did not listen to my brother. They have been trying to stop me from going to another district all the time. Either put obstacles in front of me or use my family to do so. My brother said I have to live close to him. But when I choose yau tsim mong which is only 30min walk from his place, he said 唔好發夢,which means I can't choose that area even it is closed to both him and my dad. He said I was 扮孝順。

Recently my left knee, thigh and hip were constantly being hurt by the tech attack, and these several days my right knee hurt whenever I moved it. I do not think I hurt it recently unless someone hurt it when I am unconscious either by the tech or by the burglar.

I wish I can have lots of money so that I can move anywhere I want without being controlled by my family.

I know they purposely trapped me here for a reason. Most likely an evil reason. I know that my bro and some of my family members have been ganging up against me. I asked them to send me back to US, the rent there is much cheaper. They totally ignored me.

I just know I cannot save up money for my tuition (800000 HKD in total) and even lose money. And I constantly have to worry about safety, money, food, blocking doors and windows when I am in Hong Kong. And my family does not even let me move to a safer place. 

Right now as I am typing up my email, the tech weapon is contracting my uterus. And my right knee is still hurting when I move it.

This is my update.


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