Wednesday, June 17, 2020


今日熱到阿媽都唔認得,我又要周街走,著咗健冇袖衫嗟,就俾人話娶妻求淑女,仲要話你是知道的, 原來一出街就喺為咗要嫁,仲要熱成咁,真喺唔慌唔熟,你想焗熟定蒸熟,蒸呢就水嫩啲冇咁熱氣。呢個世界上呢喺有著長袖衫嘅淫婦嫁我想話你聽。
Today was so hot that even my mom could not recognize me, and wanted to walk around town, so I wore a sleeveless shirt. Because of that, somebody told me that guys like to marry ladies, and she even said I already knew it. So logically speaking, every time we go out we suppose to get married or get a husband, and since it is hot like that, everyone suppose to be well done instead of medium rare. Therefore, all the girls when we go out we have to make sure we are good girls until the males say well done and we have to make sure we are fully cooked with layers of clothes in the heat and get heat strokes. Guys want us to be hot, now I know how and why. Just so you know, there are whores in this world who always wear long sleeves. 

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