Saturday, June 6, 2020


I told someone if he bought me butter egg rolls, chocolates and ice-cream I will forgive him. But suddenly I did not think I could forgive him anymore so I took the risk of possibly eating garbage soon and bought them myself today. But he has never given me even a penny since the beginning, why did I even tell him that?
我同佢講如果佢買朱古力, 蛋卷同埋雪糕俾我食我就會原諒佢, 但喺我突然覺得佢罪無可恕所以我今日冒住好快要食垃圾嘅危險自己買咗。不過其實佢由頭到尾一毫子都冇俾過我佢又點會買嘢俾我食吖, 我嗰陣講嚟都多餘嫁。

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