Saturday, June 13, 2020


唔通我真係要四十四歲死? 好似早咗啲。我阿媽生Cancer都五十四歲先去啦!不過既然我咁冇記性,2020齊頭數容易記喎,死忌同結婚周年都同一年,咪唔會唔記得囉,咁我老公又可以翻頭嫁嘞,唔洗對住我燶口燶面,我又嚮死之前著一次婚紗,去一次蜜月旅行,幾好吖!都喺死唔眼閉㗎喇, 冇生B又事業冇成,不過冇計啦!
Am I really going to die at 44? A little too early I think. My mom passed on at 54 even though she had cancer. However 2020 sounds like a good number to remember. Since I do not have good memory, if the year on my tomb stone is the same as that on my marriage certificate, then I will not forget. My husband can remarry and he will not have to see me frown or sad anymore. And I can wear a wedding gown and go traveling on my honeymoon once before I die. It sounds like a very good plan. I know I will not be satisfied, no baby and no successful career. But I will have no choice anyway.

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