Thursday, June 18, 2020


而家想溝仔好易嫁咋,除口罩啦! D仔𥄫口罩𥄫到口淡淡,妳除口罩佢哋就𥄫妳嫁喇! 要仔唔要肺定要肺唔要仔,才妳啦! 又或者等條有深度嘅仔又得,得咗!
It is easy to get a guy these days, just take off your mask! Guys are already tired of flirting with hello kitty, melody, little twin stars masks. Once you take off your masks they are going to flirt with you! Guys or lungs, take your pick. Or, you can wait for a guy that is super deep and he cares only about your inner beauty.

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