Thursday, June 25, 2020


Living under the roof of somebody else is not a problem, but if that somebody is a jealous, poison-hearted, greedy, controlling person, then I am doomed. I have been living under the roof of my Heavenly Father for over 30 years, He has never oppressed me, I have been so free and  blessed because of Him. If you want to help others, but force your ways onto the "beneficiaries" against their wills, you are basically just like a rapist i.e. 'I am having sex with you for your own benefits. You have the needs anyway, I know that you are enjoying it!' If you truly want to help out someone your helps have to fit their needs and wants. When you force someone to have something that they do not really want, and you do not even give the things that they truly need or want, are they human beings or landfills to you?

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