Saturday, June 27, 2020


你先後次序好似掉轉咗噃。 講嘢都唔合邏輯嘅,喺咪冇嘢到肚諗唔到嘢呀,不如我哋去食個飯先啦!
We seem moving too fast, are you in a hurry?
I'm not, but your ovaries are. They told me they're going to close down their business soon!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I've heard about that as well. Ok hurry up, let's go to the city hall!
Wooh, hold that's way too fast!
I think you probably switch the order a little bit. What you're saying is not even logical. You must be hungry so you can't think clearly. Let's go and eat first.

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