Saturday, June 6, 2020


今日買咗好多零食好開心, 一返嚟就喺咁趙, 不過我呢個狀態唔可以維持好耐, 如果我繼續買好快又要食垃圾, 正所謂一剎那嘅光輝唔代表永恆, 於是我同自己講我下次唔敢喇, 或者下下下次啦!睇嚟我都要開始準備我對我八十歲老豆嘅零食錢說服演講詞, 等佢有個心理準備同埋籌錢準備, 如果等到我開始食垃圾先準備就會太遲。
Today I bought lots of snacks and my action made me very happy. I started stuffing them down my throat the second I came home. But I cannot maintain this lifestyle for too long. If I keep on buying I will have to start eating garbage again very soon. Happiness does not last. So I told myself do not do that again next time, maybe next next next time. Maybe I should start drafting my negotiation speech to my 80-year-old daddy for snack money. So that he can prepare psychologically and financially for my snack fund raising. If I wait until I start eating garbage then it will be to late for him to prepare.

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