Saturday, June 13, 2020


今朝突然間諗起我仲青春少艾嘅時候我第一次同班同學仔嚮個酒店派對度聽到YMCA呢首歌 (其實只喺個暢遊堂嚟,唔好幻想太多),仲被教做埋動作,除咗嗰四隻字母之外,其他全部原地向上跳,冚世界都喺咁,實在不堪入目,但跟住又諗,當年嘅香港人淨喺識唱K咖嗟 , 我個年代都冇Girl's Generation , 邊度會識跳舞呢?再加上我嘅圓美體態,好惡攪㗎噃 , 所以我已經原諒咗自己好耐嘞,仲有大家當時雖然廿幾歲仲幻想自己喺發育時期可以再高,先會做出啲咁嘅傻事咖嗟,跳到身水身汗嚟換個希望,都喺值得嘅。再諗吓?話明跳舞,就梗喺要跳㗎啦!唔識舞不過跳咗,起碼做到一半先啦!
This morning I suddenly thought about 20 plus years ago when I was hanging out with my classmates on my field trip, I heard the song YMCA for the first time, and I was taught to do their dance. Unfortunately, except that 4 alphabets, we just basically hopped up and down for the rest of the song, what a scene. But then I thought, Hongkongers in those years only knew how to sing Karaoke and we still did not have those Girl's Generation or Twice group yet, we could not dance. Also with my all rounded personality, it was pretty hard for me to handle any sort of activities like that. Therefore I already forgave myself long time ago. Furthermore, we were only in our 20's and we still imagined that we were in the middle of our puberty and could grow taller. That was the reason we hopped, I think. Sweated our butts off in exchange for a hope, worth it! Think about it, we could not dance but at least we hopped on beats for the whole song, that was quite an achievement already, what do you expect?

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