Wednesday, June 17, 2020


今日有個阿伯用載住佢老婆嘅輪椅撞落我度, 然後繼續用力推,明明已經企定定仲話停唔到,冇道歉冇退後,再出力推多兩嘢,我行開嘅時候明明穩穩陣陣咁扶住張輪椅企咗喺度,真喺當我喺LULU,於是我就鬧佢幾廿歲唔好咁陰毒,佢即刻收聲,原本想話小心收尾嗰兩年,但喺佢依家就要小心喇,原來魔鬼今次揀阿伯嚟上身,上次就用阿婆踩油撞我,撒旦真喺全民皆兵。俾輪椅撞完之後我隻脚腫咗行路仲有啲痛,阿伯都冇情講,賠湯藥費七倍吖唔該。
Today an old man banged his wheel chair and his wife onto my foot. Then he continued to push harder, he stood so still but he said he could not stop. He did not apologize nor back off, pushed a couple times more. When I walked away, he and his wife stood and sat so still and did not move a bit. He might think that I was an idiot! So I scolded him that he should get rid of his poisonous heart and he shut up immediately.  I wanted to tell him to be careful during his last couple years of life. But he  was already there so I thought he should start to be careful right at that moment. I just figured out devil possessed an old man this time, and it possessed another old lady last time when she stepped on the gas and hit me. Everyone can join satan's army very easily. After the elderly attack, my foot was and is still swollen and sore when I walk. He has to repay me even though he is old. Seven times the medical bills please and seven times of whatever I lose and have lost because of what he did.

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