Sunday, June 14, 2020


差啲忘記咗嗰啲害我嘅人好大可能喺撒旦教嘅人,佢哋唔鍾意上帝嘅創造所以會用邪術搞破壞例如會引蟲, 傷害人,令人身體變形同患病, 令到動植物病 甚至死忙。落降頭其實都喺用邪術用緊魔鬼嘅能力去害人,只不過唔叫自己做撒旦教炙。撒旦教嘅人喺可以用魔鬼嘅力量令靈魂離開身體去害人,亦可以要求邪靈出動去害人,不過後果就不堪設想,因為佢哋嘅靈魂已經出賣咗俾撒旦,將會被拋入火湖裡面燒直至滅絕。撒旦就會嚮火湖裡面被永恆嘅火燒。請記住超自然嘅能力如果唔喺從上帝而嚟,就喺從魔鬼而嚟,而魔鬼嘅能力原本都係嚟自上帝,因為魔鬼以前喺上帝所創造嘅天使,只不過因為佢哋背叛上帝,被上帝逐出天堂,魔鬼用上帝以前比佢嘅能力去做邪惡嘅事繼續犯罪,目標喺想代替上帝,欺騙人類背叛上帝。撒旦喺上帝嘅手下敗將,佢同佢班𡃁將會被上帝毀滅,只係時辰未到炙,邪靈(前天使)即喺撒旦(前天使)啲𡃁喺好怕耶穌嘅 , 聖經都有講,唔信你睇吓。。。
 The people who do me harm are very likely satanic or even official satanists. They do not like God's creations so they may use demonic power to do damages e.g. attract insects, injure people, damage and deform our bodies, make people sick, make plants and animals sick and die. When they use black magic, they are using the power of satan to harm. They can use satanic power to do soul traveling in order to harm people. They can even send evil spirits to do destruction. And the consequence is the satanic people are going to be burnt in the lake of fire until perished. Satan himself will also be burnt in the eternal fire. Please remember any supernatural power if it is not from Heavenly Father, it is from satan, and the power of satan is originally from God because the devil used to be an angel created by God. But because he rebelled against God, he was cast out from Heaven and became the devil or satan. Satan just uses the power that God gave him before to sin against God and do evil things. His goal is to replace God, and that is why the devil has been deceiving human beings to turn their backs towards our Heavenly Father. Satan has lost the war to our Heavenly Father before, and he is going to lose again and be destroyed by God. Satan's subordinates, the evil spirits, are afraid of Jesus Christ, it is in the Bible, please read it......

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