Friday, June 12, 2020


其實而家都幾好吖,冇得撈,翹埋雙手,靠個八十歲嘅老豆養,學校嗰度又搞到唔清唔楚,鍾意就坐地起價加啲乜費物費㩒住我嚟搶,想轉校又冇人收,唔覺意就俾啲電子武器假仔騷擾,扮吓愛我,唔覺意又俾佢哋遙距整到呢度痕嗰度痛,成身一噠噠癩,再唔喺又加啲癦加啲痣,俾人㩒住嚟攪冇得反抗,仲日日晚晚俾人攪下面做免費雞,擘大眼咩,冇人噃。啲鄰居陌生人鍾意就偷入嚟我屋企𥄫吓我偷吓嘢攪吓破壞,連錄影防盜嗰部機都俾人鍾意停就停,鍾意skip就skip,個網絡同電掣鍾意俾人停就停,電子器材鍾意俾人hack就hack,我嚮屋企已經有人喺天花板上面周圍擗擗啪啪, 出街一唔睇住個屋企,就俾人開燈刪燈撬門𠽤嚦隔嘞,連天花板都有兩個大窿極有可能通向樓上隔離嘅鄰居同電機房,任人爬入我家的風險極大。鍾意又爬入我露台破壞整爛整死偷我啲植物順便入埋屋。食物俾人放蟲,皮膚俾假蚊咬,個鼻對眼個頭隨時俾人整痕整痛流晒水咁,鍾意又加吓我水噗,鍾意又整痛我啲骨關節喉嚨內臟,鍾意又整到我甩成咋頭髮,仲要冚唪唥都喺珍貴嘅黑髮,應脫嗰啲毛又唔脫,唔應脫嗰啲毛就甩到一地都喺,四十幾歲啲白頭髮多到可以織冷衫,隨時攪到我昏迷不醒,一喺就不停嘈不停遙距咁搖整到我成晚瞓唔到,有時仲嚮假夢裡面引我暴露我啲密碼同個人資料, 佢哋認屎認屁扮明星扮特首扮我屋企人扮教授,仲話我詐騙,家陣唔知邊個詐騙呢?將自己做啲衰嘢推落我身上(projection), 戾橫折曲, 傷害無辜,我已經攪成咁仲嫌我唔夠衰再攪衰啲。將呢個武器擺我身上同有份害我嗰啲人應該拉去打靶,唔打靶就遙距咁嚮火湖見佢哋啦。話口未完,啱啱又洗咗我啲嘢要我從新打過,未講完,啲聲音同周圍啲人鍾意又評論吓我自己一個嘅時候撩眼耳口鼻屎屙屎用幾多格廁紙,鍾意又評論吓我啲屎屁有幾臭,踭在未講顏色,有時整到我肚屙,有時整到我尿頻同不停放屁,有時又整到我瀨尿,我同屋企人朋友私底下嘅說話都要俾佢哋知公開同評論,仲有網上網下乜資料都偷我嘅, 鍾意又宣佈吓我網上睇啲乜,鍾意就嚮我睇緊啲片度用人哋把聲加鹽加醋講大話,鍾意又郁我啲手腳,鍾意又整啲假夢嚟誣衊我,我俾人害完,有人會話我抵死,又話佢哋想我生cancer想我死, 鍾意又嚮街圍住我點煙食煙,鍾意又撞我個胸摸我籮柚,仲試過故意整瘀我可能想整斷我啲骨, 武器真人都一樣咁賤格,啲臭男人自己起痰又屈我鍾意佢,我連佢個樣都未睇清楚喺乜水,說話都講唔夠十句,有啲我從來都冇睬佢,結咗婚仲話要追,陷我不義毀我名譽,我以後仲洗出嚟行嘅?喺啲火遙距咁見你哋啦燒豬!
Actually I am living a good life, umemployed, arms folded and wait for my 80-year-old dad to provide for me. The school has been giving me unclear message, add this fee and that fee anytime anywhere as they wish and I can only obey. I want to change school but nobody wants me. The fake guys in the psychotronic weapon disturb me, pretend to love me, make me itchy here and painful there, give me scars everywhere on my body, put moles on my body. They manipulate my body and life and I have no way to defend myself. Every day and night I act like a free hooker and get electronically raped. When I open my eyes, nobody is there. My neighbors and random strangers just come and go into my home without my consent, they spy on me, steal and damage my belongings and sometimes money. Even the security device can be stopped anytime they want, it selectively record whatever happens at my place. The internet and the power outlets just being stopped and skipped anytime they want. My electronics are hacked as they wish. When I am home people keeps clicking everywhere in the ceiling. When I go out or not watching my home closely, the lights are switched on and off, the door is opened with tools or random people even have easy access for some reason and making noises. Even the ceiling is a possible route for people to get into my home, there are two big holes in my fake ceiling and it is possibly to be connected to my neighbors upstairs and next door and the electrical room. They put bugs in my food, they give me fake mosquito bites. They make my eyes, nose, head sore and itchy with fluid coming out.they put pustles on my skin, they give me pain in my bones, joints, throat and organs, they make me lose whole bunch of hair, mostly valuable dark healthy ones,  the hair that is supposed to be removed they do not remove, the ones that is supposed to stick on my head is all over the floor. I am in my 40's but I have so much gray that I can knit a sweater with it. They can make me pass out, and sometimes they make noises and shake me so much that I cannot sleep for the whole nights. They even force virtual reality clips into my brain to create fake dreams and make me expose my passwords and personal information. They pretend to be celebrities, chief executives, my professors and families to lie to me and steal my information and they say I am a fraud. I am wondering who is the real fraud? They are basically just projecting their crimes on me, twisting the truth and harming the innocent. My life is already a big mess and they are trying to make it messier. I think the person who put this weapons on me and the ones who use them to attack me deserve death penalties. Well if they do not want it, I will see them in the lake of fire from a distance. Well, here they come again and delete what I have just typed and I have to retype it all over again. I have not finished yet, those voices from the weapons and the people around me are commenting on what I do when I am all by myself, they talk about when do I pick my eye and my nose boogers and ear wax, they comment on how much toilet paper I use when I poop, they talk about how stinky my farts and poops are, again in my all-by-myself-time. They have not mentioned about the color though, because I do not look that it. They sometimes give me diarrhea, urinary frequency, unstoppable farts, they even make me pee myself. They have to know, announce and comment on whatever I talk about with my family and friends in our private times. They announce what I watch on the internet, they steal my personal information on and off the internet, they use other people's voices on the whatever I was watching to lie, step on me or try to make me sad. They move my limbs remotely, use some fake dreams to frame me and slander me. When I lose something or somebody wrongs me, they have a voice to tell me I deserve it. They say that they want to give me cancer and want me to die. On the street people surround me, light up and smoke cigarettes, they touch my chest and bottom and sometimes they literally bruise my body or even try to break my bones. The psychotronic weapons and the people in real life are both so wicked and dirty. Some guys think and tell people that I like them when actually they are the ones who fantasize about me. I do not know how exactly they look like and I have not even talked to them for more than 10 sentences. Lots of them I totally ignore. They say they want to chase after me even they are married, they are just trying to ruin my reputation and my future. How can I establish my career and have a good marriage when you spread rumors like that. Anyway, again, see you in the fire from a distance, roast pigs.

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