Sunday, June 28, 2020


既然疫情咁嚴峻不如死咗佢啦! 周街揾枝槍指住我個頭你算咩意思呀?你哋班人喺咪痴線咖?我宜家殺咗你哋全家牙?吓?你知唔知你哋令到我幾焦慮呀?𢺳雞啦你! 仲等咩呀?長痛不如短痛,一了百了算啦!
槍手: 麥當勞叔叔
Since the outbreak is so severe, I should die! Why are you keep pointing guns at my head? What's wrong with you people? Did I kill your families or something? Do you know how much anxiety and worries you have caused me?Let's end this nonsense! Come on, pull the trigger!
Gunman: Ronald McDonald

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