當我對住啲雕像身型面孔頭髮嘅男人,真喺孿都變翻直,仲會變得好鹹濕,有啲想俾佢攬住嘅感覺,不過世界上邊有呢啲嘢吖,可惜可惜!可能因為咁樣上帝唔贊成我哋雕咁多像,十誡話嘅,當藝術品就得,崇拜佢哋就萬萬不能,如果唔喺人類就絕種㗎喇。男人一到咁上吓年紀,或者都未到咁上吓年紀,又禿頭,又大肚腩,真喺不堪入目嫁,某啲種族人仕仲要成身毛,嗰揪香腸蛋蛋又巢皮又暗瓦色又剩,仲成日攞嚟炫耀,好似多咗條嘢就高人一等咁,個身又臭又自大又哩啡又牛精,仲要喺人類歷史上同埋嚮我屋企不斷咁壓迫女性。。。男人真喺好恐怖,好多時令我想作嘔,我依家知點解大肚婆會成日想嘔,因為佢個肚提醒佢俾啲嘔心嘅男人搞過,想唔嘔都幾難,嘔咗三個月連黃膽水都嘔埋出嚟,再加上俾啲控制狂男人長期洗腦,先冇得再嘔。仲有,男人本身同老咗都咁樣衰,喺因為佢哋花心,光晒頭大晒肚腩加埋條巢皮黑蕉,喺等佢哋專一,冇咁吸引搞唔倒出面嘅女人,女人通常愛上咗一個男人就會繼續愛,而且女人有深度,即使佢伴侶變成咩樣都唔會放棄。 不過亦有例外,有啲女人鍾意撬人老公,有啲男人呢又鍾意撬人老婆喎,又好多時呢又為咗嗰錢字喎,所以為咗健康同婚姻著想,都喺修吓身,剃吓鬚,盡量做個有腦又專一嘅雕像男人啦。正所謂Keep得倒就當你寶,Keep唔倒呢就戴綠帽喇!仲有,點解女人俾男人靚咁多喺因為造物主要男追女,女人只喺負責吸引,男人負責被吸,即喺女人唔郁男人郁,卵子唔郁精子郁,明唔明白?唔明就要問,問佢可唔可以做你女朋友。睇雅歌阿所羅門王點攀山越嶺溝女你就知嘞,仲有佢條女喺咁叫人唔好喚醒佢條仔,等條仔自己情願,女追男犯規嫁!
If I hang out with a man who has sculpture body, face and hair, I will be turned straight right away, I may even have those needs all of a sudden and want him to hold me in his arms. However, where can I find a man like that? Too bad so sad! Maybe that is the reason God does not want us to make too many sculptures in the Ten Commandments, treating them like pieces of arts is alright, but not to admire nor worship them. Or else human species will extinct. When men reach certain age or not yet reach certain age, they become bald and big bellied, it is hard for women to look at them directly. Some of the races, men are all hairy. I do not understand why mens' wieners and balls are dark and wrinkly but they still always boast about them. It sounds like they are more superior because they are one wiener more than women. Men are stinky, full of themselves, messy and aggressive, and they have constantly been oppressing women in human history and in my home. Men are disgusting and they make me sick. Now I know why pregnant women want to vomit, because their pregnancies remind them of having been intimated with those disgusting men. After three months of torture, their feelings got numb and they are brain washed by those controlling men, so the vomits stop. Aging men and non-aging men are ugly because they are pigs, they have baldness, midsection expansions, plus the wrinkly dull colored banana so that they can be faithful to their spouse. They become unattractive and cannot cheat with other women. Usually when a woman falls in love with a man, she stays in the relationship. And women are deep, they do not give up on their spouses no matter how their spouses change in their looks. But of course there are exceptions, some women like to steal others' husbands, some men like to steal others' wives, and some people do that for money. So for the sake of your health and your marriages, keep yourselves fit and clean, shaved and trimmed, be brainy, faithful men with sculpted bodies. Or else, your wife may join other bodies. Also, women are more attractive than men because women are responsible for attracting while men are responsible for being attracted, which means women stay still and men move, eggs stay still and sperms move, do you understand? Ask if you do not, ask her out for a date and to become your girlfriend! If you want some references, read Songs of Solomon and see how King Solomon climbed from mountains to mountains to chase a girl. And the girl kept reminding people not to wake up love until her man was pleased and willing. You are breaking the rules if you want girls to chase you, chickens!
If I hang out with a man who has sculpture body, face and hair, I will be turned straight right away, I may even have those needs all of a sudden and want him to hold me in his arms. However, where can I find a man like that? Too bad so sad! Maybe that is the reason God does not want us to make too many sculptures in the Ten Commandments, treating them like pieces of arts is alright, but not to admire nor worship them. Or else human species will extinct. When men reach certain age or not yet reach certain age, they become bald and big bellied, it is hard for women to look at them directly. Some of the races, men are all hairy. I do not understand why mens' wieners and balls are dark and wrinkly but they still always boast about them. It sounds like they are more superior because they are one wiener more than women. Men are stinky, full of themselves, messy and aggressive, and they have constantly been oppressing women in human history and in my home. Men are disgusting and they make me sick. Now I know why pregnant women want to vomit, because their pregnancies remind them of having been intimated with those disgusting men. After three months of torture, their feelings got numb and they are brain washed by those controlling men, so the vomits stop. Aging men and non-aging men are ugly because they are pigs, they have baldness, midsection expansions, plus the wrinkly dull colored banana so that they can be faithful to their spouse. They become unattractive and cannot cheat with other women. Usually when a woman falls in love with a man, she stays in the relationship. And women are deep, they do not give up on their spouses no matter how their spouses change in their looks. But of course there are exceptions, some women like to steal others' husbands, some men like to steal others' wives, and some people do that for money. So for the sake of your health and your marriages, keep yourselves fit and clean, shaved and trimmed, be brainy, faithful men with sculpted bodies. Or else, your wife may join other bodies. Also, women are more attractive than men because women are responsible for attracting while men are responsible for being attracted, which means women stay still and men move, eggs stay still and sperms move, do you understand? Ask if you do not, ask her out for a date and to become your girlfriend! If you want some references, read Songs of Solomon and see how King Solomon climbed from mountains to mountains to chase a girl. And the girl kept reminding people not to wake up love until her man was pleased and willing. You are breaking the rules if you want girls to chase you, chickens!

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