Saturday, June 20, 2020


If it is company's policy that their female employees have to wear high heels at work, especially if the those jobs involve lots of walking or running around, then I do not think it is fair. They are forcing employees to do something that hurt their health, it is just like deliberately harming others with threats.

穿高跟鞋會造成什麼後遺症呢? (資料來源: 台北市立萬芳醫院)
一般來說,醫師會建議平時最好能穿平底鞋,避免穿高跟鞋給腳尖部位太大的壓力,或是穿著不當的鞋型、尺寸太大或太小,都會發生危險和產生骨頭的畸形。高跟鞋的問題相當的多,根據臨床問診統計,高跟鞋(厚底或細根)所導致的傷害包括:扭傷、摔傷、肌腱發炎、大腳趾外翻等。這些問題在短時間內看起來並不是那麼嚴重;但是長期而言,卻會導致年輕女孩的腳部變形、肌肉酸痛、姿勢不正確等後遺症。至少在國外來說,就已經發生了「厚底高跟鞋」差點摔死人的悲劇。這種烏龍 事件,居然發生在踩高跟鞋的美女身上,真的讓人十分惋惜!要如何避免高跟鞋的傷害醫師建議:還在發育的年輕少女,儘量不要穿包覆型的高跟鞋,影響腳的發育,盡量穿讓腳趾外露的高跟鞋,讓腳有充分的伸展空間。不要選擇太高的跟。也不要長時間穿著高跟鞋,平時應以平底舒服的鞋走路。如果不慎摔傷或跌倒,要找醫師檢查,不要隨便忽視它,以避免後遺症。
現代婦女常常需要出席宴會或各種社交場合,穿上一雙高跟鞋在所難免,尤其是身為高階的女性主管更是如此,穿上了高跟鞋,並搭配代表精明幹練的套裝,不僅將身體線條修飾得更加玲瓏有致外,也將更具有權威感,真是一舉數得。但事實上,穿上高跟鞋已經改變了人體原本站立及行走時的生物力學,也改變了身體重心線所經過的關節。穿上擁有幾公分高鞋跟的高跟鞋,會將原本腳跟承重的位置,因為腳跟往上抬的緣故,重心將落於前腳掌上,使得踝關節穩定性變差,容易有腳踝扭傷的危險性,且小腿後筋容易縮短。至於膝關節則因為重心線落於其前方,故膝蓋容易有往後頂的情形,也就是過度伸直,此狀況會加速關節磨損及退化,使得膝蓋產生疼痛及無法下樓梯。另外,骨盆會有往前傾現象,造成屁股往上翹,腰椎過度前彎,加速腰椎關節壓迫及背後肌肉長度縮短、下腹部肌肉鬆弛,產生腰酸背痛症候群。雖然穿上高跟鞋,容易產生上述各種後遺症,但只要在穿高跟鞋前後,勤加保健自己的身體,並在休息時從事穿高跟鞋慣性姿勢的反方向動作(下肢拉筋的運動及肌力訓練),便可以減少高跟鞋改變人體工學情況後,所產生的各種肌肉骨骼系統的疾病,相信一定可以把傷害降至最低。第一,高跟鞋的鞋跟,以不超過5公分的高度為限,過高會對健康有害。第二,穿上適當的高跟鞋(鞋跟不宜太細),並保持身體抬頭挺胸。第三,第一次穿上高跟鞋,需來回走3遍,以適應鞋與地面接觸的感覺,增加熟練度。第四,穿上高跟鞋後,避免手提太重的物品或背包,以減少重心不穩,降低跌倒的機率。 第五,穿上高跟鞋容易使重心前移,造成膝關節過度後頂,所以在休息時,身體可以靠牆,作半蹲的運動,膝關節彎曲約20度,作重覆性的運動。第六,由於骨盆過度往後頂,容易造成背肌無力及腹肌鬆弛,預防可以作骨盤前後傾斜運動。第七,高跟鞋減少足部接觸地面的面積,所以本體感覺較差,容易造成踝關節扭節,可以加強單腳站立的機會,以增加本體感覺。 預防就是最好的治療,若能少穿高跟鞋當然最好,若是真有必要,則平常的保健工作就得確實執行,以免發生受傷後,再也無法穿上漂亮高跟鞋,並搭配最新流行的服飾,健康又優雅自在地走在馬路上了。
High Heels: Health Risks (Source: United Hospital, Center)
The Causes
High heels change their wearer’s walking pattern. The average person who regularly sports heels takes shorter and more forceful strides when walking than those who regularly wear flat shoes. These types of steps can put extra pressure on the knee joints, which may lead to osteoarthritis (the erosion of cartilage between bones, causing bones to rub against each other).
When wearing heels, the body must adjust and shift its overall weight and center of gravity to compensate for the heel of the shoe. The higher the heel, the higher the risk of lower back, hip, and knee issues.
With habitual wearing of heels two inches or higher, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles can face changes in shape. As the shoe heel pushes up the human heel, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles are facing increased pressure. The tendon may shorten, and the muscles can stiffen and reshape. This can occur in individuals who frequently wear heels, and can create pain in the body’s lower extremities.
After years of high heel wear and body readjustment due to the shoes, you may experience discomfort when wearing flat shoes or walking barefoot. The body will have adapted to the shape of the heels, causing irritation when other types of shoes are worn.
How to Prevent or Lessen the Painful Effects
If you are feeling the consequences of constantly wearing heels, there are steps you can take to help combat the aching and discomfort. These suggestions can help decrease the pain you are feeling from wearing high heel shoes.
Change your shoe choice – Go for flat shoes, or shoes that provide more support and cushion.
Switch up your exercise routine – Reduce frequent stress on your knees, hips, and lower back while exercising. Rowing, swimming, and the elliptical are low-impact types of exercises that are easier on your joints.
Minimize the amount of days you wear heels – Try adding flats or wedges to your shoe selection. Go for a shorter heel – Heels two inches or less put less pressure on joints. Stretch your calves before and after wearing heels – Allow yourself time for lunges or other calf-stretching methods. Place cushions in your shoes and heels – Make your shoe choices more comfortable for your feet.

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