Tuesday, June 30, 2020


如果看更或者保安甚至保安公司俾人收買,又或者居住喺一個獨裁者統治嘅國家,啲警察保安只喺保護政權唔保護人民,又或者淨喺保護收買佢哋嘅人,咁要啲保乜警物嚟做咩呢?如果賄款高唔過佢哋嚟緊十幾二十年嘅薪水加退休金,咁就因小失大喇,仲可能要坐監留案底添, 之後想再搵到工都幾難喇。收咗賄款然後喺餘生冇曬薪水同退休金,抵你哋"發達"嘅!
If securities or even security companies are bribed, or if we live in countries that are governed by dictators, police and securities protect the government instead of citizens or they protect only the ones who bribe them Why do we still have police and securities in this world? Well the bribes better be higher than their salaries for the future ten to twenty years plus pensions, otherwise they will lose  more than gain, or even be put into prison and have criminal records. The next thing they will face is unemployment. In other words, they take the bribes and lose salaries and pensions for the rest of their lives. Worth it!

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