Friday, June 19, 2020


The followings are the exact wordings of my message online with my dear family after they rejected my requests and insulted me multiple times:
上次已經揀咗仲睇埋你唔肯俾我搬嗟你兩日前先遲咗成個鐘我嗰日遲10分鐘因為腳腫咗你兩公婆當街鬧我,跟住又差開話題又話我有病要睇醫生先俾我搬又話我死人熊度又話我個人格有問題所以唔會俾我搬當街當行, 態度, 之前講好咗第二日我一決定到就同業主講結果我決定咗你就話睇医生呀死人態度呀人格呀嗰D嘢我喺度俾人㩒住搶同入屋偷嘢,又恐嚇冇咗成二萬蚊喺咪你賠俾我我仲要草錢交學費你哋叫我番嚟既目的喺咪想害我麻煩你單声我揀D好鍾意又平嘅你哋就Ban,你揀D我唔中意嘅你哋就迫我住點解可以咁陰毒想我死?冇嘢留到俾你哋嫁噃我尋日D食物又俾人放蟲未開嘅,打開包裝裏面滿晒蟻樓上條友講話佢地撒旦教我都知呢區出街俾人偷二千蚁,八達通都偷埋几千蚊卷俾人偷街市俾人用cutter指住嚟恐嚇揾箱Dang我根本就唔安全人命同金錢都唔安全唔好再迫我啦你想我死可以出声嫁,等我睇吓點避開你哋囉麻煩哂 i found one that is under 7000 more than 200 sq ft your dad banned it because of you he tried to prove that you are better than me the good ones already stolen i found several of them because you don't let me move they stole them already we already found the ones that matched and we looked at them together, the very next day, you started talking about my attitude, my personality, you and your dear wife even called me crazy.on the street and you agreed on those and told me to make decision the next day then the next day you said no you wanted me to see doctors about my brain in order to let me move i showed you all the evidence you still called me crazy on the want to ruin my reputation and ruin my career your dad, your wife and you I know why I still cannot find a job now I already looked at 8 of them and I found the one that I like you guys banned all of them even you said I can make the decision and I made it then you banned it you said you are busy and I should look for it, after I found them, you and your (dad) banned them do u want me to waste my whole life looking for an apartment and never be able to move and lose everything, we already found the ones that matched and we looked at them together, the very next day, you started talking about my attitude, my personality, you and your dear wife even called me crazy. I found them online and we looked at them together, and you said you will let me make the decision, then you said you wont let me move because  I refuse to see the doctor about my brain. And let me emphasize, my brain is in good condition, by God's grace. last time I spent 3 months, looking for it and negotiate it. you and your dear father banned it this time I found something even similar to where our whole family used to live, and you guys banned it again. you and your dear father banned it again.I am the one who live there and I am the one who is suffering and you don't even let me make my own choice. actually I looked at 10 of them already. i already pick them and you already looked at them, you promise I can pick those and you banned it after I made the decision, in the district that you like we look at 3 of them And I already looked at 10 of them your dad said he want you to find a place for me to move asap after he banned my ideas. i just know that other area is safer according to my experience maybe this area has lots of poor and under educated people, and they worships fake gods that's why
Note: in order to protect their privacy, I omitted their message

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