Wednesday, March 17, 2021


After they stole whole bunch of things from my place and did whole bunch of damages including ruining my laptop I was just using several days ago before they changed my password and damaged the keyboard. My neighbors broke into my place again, ruined another one of my plants and she switched my vegetables into some worse slimy ones. Please pray that God will restore to me what I have lost and stop His enemies from ruining my, His daughter's, God-given belongings and the restored things which will be so good that they are beyond my imagination. Please also ask God to remove all the God's enemies especially the burglars away from my life, permanently, and punish them as He wills. Thanks. I have been calling the police for more than 30 times about the burglaries and disturbances and damages, the "criminals" are still not arrested and still keep on disturbing, breaking in, stealing and ruining.

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