Thursday, March 11, 2021


Dear pharmacy colleagues, let's see if you can serve the customer so well that you can get awards when he gets a wart......ou ou ou ouch!!! Don't use your charm okay, use your communication skills and knowledge only.

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Rewarding Pharmacy 
HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


Verrufilm Lactic Acid & Salicylic Acid Solution treatment of warts

Composition: Lactic acid: 16.7g Salicylic acid: 16.7g Castor oil and collodion: 

Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for topical application 14ml

Pharmacotherapeutic Class: Keratolytic (D.Dermatology)

Manufacturer: Laboratoires Chemineau, France

Indications: For treatment of plantar warts, common warts on the hand, and mosaic warts

Attention: In which cases should this medication not be used: Should not be used in persons with known allergy to salicylic acid. Special Precautions: Do not apply on large surfaces.

Interactions: To prevent possible interactions between several medications, you should systematically tell your doctor or pharmacist of any other medication you are taking

Frequency, Mode of Administration and Dosage: Topical application, once a day, cleanse and thoroughly dry the area to be treated. Using the spatula provided, apply liquid to the ward without going over onto healthy skin. Healthy skin can be protected by prior application of a neutral polish (e.g. Verlim). Repeat appliaiton every day, preferably in the evening at bedtime, for about 8 weeks. Every 2 or 3 days, gently rub the area treated with a carboard file or a polishing stone before applying the liquid being careful not to make the lesion bleed and in such a way so as to eliminate the rough, superficial part of the wart. If bleeding does occur, discontinue treatment for 2 or 3 days.

Undesirable and Bothersome effects: As with any product, this medication may cause bothersome effects in some persons, in particular, cutaneous irritation with a burning sensation

Storage: This product is inflammable, so close well after use and store below 25°C, Keep out of reach of children and should not be taken after expiry date.









Topical Solution for the management of callus, hardened skins 15ml
Ingredients: Salicylic acid, lactic acid and flexible collodion base.
Directions: Apply Duocare Topical Solution once daily, using the glass applicator supplied until the callus, hardened skins is completely cleared. Care should be taken not to spread Duocare Topical Solution to the healthy skin. For a better result, soak the callus, hardened skins in hot water for 5 minutes, then rub the surface of the callus, hardened skins with a pumice stone, then apply the Duocare Topical Solution.

Duocare Topical Solution is designed for the controlled peeling of keratin and thus care should be taken to apply the product to the callus, hardened skins only. Do not use on face, or anogenital regions. Do not use if you are diabetic or have impaired circulation. Do not use on moles, birthmarks or unusual skin growths. Where there are any doubt or confusion, please consult professionals. Do not use on large areas at one time. Do not use on infants or very young children.

Presentation: Duocare Topical Solution in a spill-proof 15ml amber glass bottle fitted with a glass spplicator. 
There is no immediate effect in the management of callus, hardened skins. The usual time reuired is about 6 to 12 weeks.




Aldara Cream 5% Imiquimod

Aldara cream contains an active ingredient, imiquimod. Imiquimod is an immune response modifier. It causes your body to produce more interferon. Interferon is a substance which your body produces naturally to help fight viruses. Although the exact way that Aldara gets rid of genital warts is unknown., it is believed to be due to its effects on the immune system. 

Aldara is used to treat warts (condyloma acuminata) on the surface of the penis or vulva (external female sexual organ) and around the anus. Aldara is not recommended for use in patients under the age of 18years, as there have been no studies of its effects in this age group.
Your doctor may prescribe Aldara for another purpose. If you are not sure why you are using this medicine ask you doctor. 

When you must not use Aldara
Do not use Aldara
  • if you are allergic to imiquimod or to any of the ingredients listed under "Product Description"
  • on warts inside the vagina or inside the anus or inside the urethra (where yo pass urine). The use of Aldara cream on these areas has not been studied.
  • If the packaging is torn, shows signs of tampering or after the :"use by" ate shown on he box or sachet.
 Before you start to use Aldara
  • Tell your doctor:
  • If you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant
  • If you are breast feeding  or intend to breast feed
  • If you are or you think you are HIV positive
  • If you have been using other preparations to treat your warts.
  • Aldara is to be applied once a day, at bed time, three times a week or as recommended by your doctor. For three times a week application, Aldara can be applied on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
  • Treatment with Aldara should continue until the warts are completely gone. Aldara should not be used for more than 16 weeks at one time. It usually takes 8-10 weeks for or warts to disappear but warts may clear as early as 4 weeks.
  • If you warts reappear, talk to your doctor.
How to use Aldara
  • Before going to bed wash your hands and open a new sachet. Squeeze Aldara cream onto your fingertip
  • Apply a thin layer of Aldara cream onto clean, dry wart area and rub gently into the skin until the cream vanishes.
  • After application of the cream, throw away the unused Aldara cream in the sachet carefully where children cannot reach it. Wash hands with mild soap and water
  • Leave Aldara cream on the warts for 6 to 10 hours. Do not shower or bathe during this time.
  • After 6010hours, the area where Aldara cream was applied should be washed with mild soap and water
While you are using Aldara

  • Sexual (genital, anal or oral) contact should be avoided. If you decide to have sexual relations, apply Aldara cream after, not before, sexual activity. If you have already applied the cream, it should be washed off before sexual activity.
  • Aldara cream may weaken condoms and diaphragms, therefore the cream should be washed off before using a condom or diaphram during sexual activity.
  • The effect of Aldara cream on the transmission of genital warts is not know
  • Do not cover warts with bandages or other dressings after you have applied Aldara cream
  • Uncircumcised men with warts under the foreskin should pull the foreskin back each day and wash underneath it. If daily washing under the foreskin is not carried out, tightness of the foreskin may occur. Early signs of tightness include swelling and wearing away of the skin, or difficulty in pulling back the foreskin. If these symptoms occur, stop the treatment immediately and call your doctor.
  • Do not use more than the recommended amount of Aldara cream. A thin layer that completely covers the wart is enough.
  • Stop using Aldara cream if you become pregnant, and do not use if you are breastfeeding. 
  • Aldara cream has been prescribed for your use only. Do not give it to anyone else even if you think their condition is the same as yours
If you forget to use Aldara

If you forget a dose, apply the missed dose of cream as soon as you remember and then continue on the regular schedule. Do not double the dose at any time to make up the missed dose.

All medicines can have side effects and this may occur with the normal use of Aldara. tell your doctor as soon as possible if you do not feel well while your are using Aldara.

More common side-effects of Aldara
The following effects have occurred during clinical trials with Aldara cream. If the ollowing occur and are sever enough to worry you, tell your doctor:
  • redness, wearing away of the skin, flakiness, swelling, hardening under the skin, small open sores, crust that forms during healing, small bubbles under the skin, itching, burning, pain, tenderness, irritation, rash, soreness, stinging, sensitivity, skin color becomes lighter on the warts or on the skin around the warts. Most of these skin reations are mild to moderate. These may be signs that the product is working. If your skin reacts badly or the skin reacting becomes too uncomfortable when using Aldara cream, wash the cream off with mild soap and water and contact your doctor.
  • flu symptoms, tiredness, headache, diarrhoea and muscle pain.

If you experience other side effects or you do not feel well while you are using Aldara please tell your doctor.
(Wow, your doctor is for sure busy! You have to talk to him or her whatever, whenever, whomever, wherever, many times now on this article....20? I start to feel sorry for him or her, plus she has to resolve all those unknowns....OMG ) 

If you use too much Aldara
Using too much Aldara cream could cause severe skin reactions.
If too much cream is applied, simply wash the extra cream away with mild soap and water. When ay skin reaction has settled, you may then continue with your treatment.
If the cream is accidentally swallowed, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle pain, and fever could occur. If you accidentally swallow Aldara cream, please contact your nearest hospital casualty department or tell your doctor immediately. (Come on! Guys! Give her brain a break!......well, your life is more important, I think she can save one more before nervous breakdown, why did you swallow that anyway? Huh? Go to McDonald's or something if you're hungry! This cream is expensive man, per gram, compared to the Big Mac!)

......Well...the true story was I swallowed some red pills like candies when I was one year old and I needed a gastric lavage to clear them when I was in my thirties I went to the hospital for a check up or something and the nurse held up a red bottle of shower gel and said," this is shower gel, don't eat it! Okay?" Then I got so bored and sat on a wheelchair driving myself around along corridor when I was waiting..........I guess that was why she treated me with that kind of attitude........I don't blame her.....

Aldara cream should be kept in a cool dry place where the temperature stays below 25°C. Do not freeze. Keep the sachets of Aldara where children cannot  reach them.

What Aldara cream looks like
Aldara cream is a white to slightly yellow cream, packed in a single0use foil sachet. Each sachet contains 250mg of Aldara cream which is enough to cover a wart area of 20 sq cm. Each box contains 12 sachets.

Each 250mg of Aldara cream 5% contains 12.5mg of the active ingredient, imiquimod. Aldara cream also contains isstearic acid, benzyl alchohol, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, white soft paraflin, polysorbate 60, sorbitan monostearate, glycerol, methyl hydroxybenzoate, propyl hydroxybenzoate, xanthan gum, purified water.

Made in the United Kingdom 
(We didn't do it! Talk to your doctor....or call the Queen.....or talk to.....our Prince Henry or something, who's Prince Henry? I don't know! Just come to Goodyear Pharmacy and holla at him, he'll tell you what to do, don't ask me)




  • 如對IMIQUIMOD或產品說明所列的任何成份敏感
  • 出現於陰道,肛門或尿道內的疣患,因為目前並無就疣定寧對這些人體部位的效用進行研究
  • 包裝損毀,有曾被使用的痕跡或過期(有效日期列於紙盒或包裝袋上)
  • 懷孕或計劃生育
  • 正在或計劃母乳餵哺嬰兒
  • 已經成為或認為自己是愛滋病帶菌者
  • 正以其他藥物醫治疣患

  • 一般的使用次數為每週三天,每天於臨睡前使用一次,每逢星期一,三,五或二,四,六或遵照醫生的指示使用
  • 應持續使用藥膏,直至疣患完全消失為止,但不應連續使用超過十六週,疣患一般在用後八至十星期消失,也可早至四星期便痊癒
  1. 臨睡前,請將雙手洗淨,然後拆開包裝袋,將藥膏擠於手指頭上
  2. 將藥膏薄塗於潔淨而乾爽的疣患表面,輕輕按摩直至藥膏完全參透
  3. 完成後,請把剩餘的藥膏連包裝袋一併丟棄,勿讓兒童接觸,請以性質溫和的肥皂和水清洗雙手
  4. 在塗抹藥膏後六至十小時內,請勿洗澡
  5. 六至十小時後,應以性質溫和的肥皂和清水潔淨患處
  • 應避免性接觸(性交,肛交:即喺叫細佬食屎,或口交:飲尿)。如有需要,請在性接觸後才塗抹疣定寧,應在性接觸前把藥膏洗掉。。。搞成咁仲要搞。。。唉。。。忍吓啦好心!都唔明啲大人諗咩嘅,一啲自制能力都冇。
  • 疣定寧可能會減低避孕套或子宮環的功效,故若在性交時使用避孕套或子宮環,應在進行前把藥膏洗掉
  • 疣定寧在防止傳播性病疣的效能則尚未知悉
  • 塗抹藥膏後請勿以繃帶或其他敷料覆蓋疣患
  • 對於未接受割鮑皮。。。包皮手術的男性,若疣患生於包皮下,應每天割。。。掀起包皮清潔,否則可能會引致包皮繃緊的早期現象包括腫脹,脫皮或包皮難於掀起,若出現上述情況,應立即停止使用疣定寧,並通知醫生
  • 請依照建議份量將藥膏塗抹於疣患表面,切勿過量使用
  • 懷孕或以母乳餵哺嬰兒期間應停用疣定寧
  • 醫生或藥劑師是因應您的個人情況而處方藥膏,即使您認為自己的情況與他人相若,亦不應將藥膏轉贈他人


  • 在臨牀試驗期間,使用疣定寧藥膏的人士曾出現以下副作用。若您出現下列情況並感到憂慮,請向醫生咨詢。
  • 在大部份情況下,以下所述的皮膚反應均屬溫和至中等:紅腫,皮膚摩損,脫皮,皮下組織硬化,細小瘡患,治癒時患處會結痂,皮下出現小氣泡,皮膚痕癢,灼傷,疼痛,壓痛,發炎,出疹,潰瘍,,刺痛,敏感,以及患處或四周皮膚變白。此外,這些副作用亦可能是藥膏發揮功用的跡象。若皮膚反應過於嚴重或感到極為不適,應以性質溫和的肥皂和清水洗去藥膏,並與醫生聯絡。
  • 一般流行性感冒的症狀,疲倦,頭痛腹瀉和肌肉疼痛。









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