Thursday, March 11, 2021





Goodyear Obsessed With God Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 


HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274

Well, regarding this one.......obsession in moderation after you obsessed with God all the way first.

And if you need more collagen but do not want to obtain it from proteins by eating  too much meat, you can try this:


(1)當您的年齡增長,您身體在製造膠原蛋白時所需的氨基酸水平已經偏低,故此,您的皮膚及體內其他部份的膠原品質也弱下來。(2)隨著時間流逝,膠原蛋白纖維將失去潤濕的性質而變成僵硬。多數這種破壞的原因是因為游離基原故。游離基(Free Radical) 是氧在體內新陳代謝後所產生的物質,它亦存在於我們周圍尤其是被污染的環境包括汽車廢氣及二手煙,它能破壞其他分子例如去氧核糖核酸,脂質,蛋白質;這些分子造成每一條膠原纖維互相交叉連繫或彼此栓緊甚至骨膠原流失,因而其及皮膚越來越厚及越來越沒彈性,這就是皺紋形成及喪失皮膚彈性的基本原因。許多科學家都認同,人體老化的基本原因是因為游離基的關係。

膠原蛋白在高脂的食物裡含量是最為豐富,但在健康飲食學中卻是不鼓勵多吃高脂肪的食物,因此單靠食物來源提供所需的膠原蛋白的可能性低;特別是在年紀漸大,自行製造膠原蛋白的功能緩慢下來。 科學家曾經進行一項以人類為對象的測驗;證實在提供超級膠原蛋白美容補足品的六十天其內,有確實增加血液循環的功能,讓皮膚看起來更為健康,更為青春且活潑。超級膠原蛋白非常方便服食,成粒裝。在已預消化水解,溶解性氨基酸的狀態之下,它將可直接被體內系統所吸收,且百份之一百被身體所應用。因此,您可以很快的在幾天內顯著的看到及感覺到它的效果。


Sbella Super Collagen
The Collagen is extracted from the connective tissue of fish. It is from the deep sea free from pollution. The collagen structure of deep sea fish is similar as human body's collagen protein. It can be absorbed easily, which mainly contains type 1 collagen strong function to body. Collagen is an essential an major component of muscles, tendons, cartilage, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels. When you take collagen, internally, your body receives the raw materials it needs to supplement and repair collagen found in all of these area.

Why  I need SUPER COLLAGEN -The Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplement?
Daily exposure to the sun, inclement weather, environmental pollutants, detergents treated water and other such hazards stress the collagen network on your skin. Therefore, in order to build, repair and maintain a healthy skin, a supplement of pure amino acids of hydrolyzed collagens e.g. SBELLA SUPER COLLAGEN -is needed by your body. SBELLA SUPER COLLAGEN is available in easy- to-take convenient tablets. In it's predigested hydrolyzed, soluble amino acid form, it can go directly into the body system and be utilized 100% by the body, so you see and feel results within days. 
The Two Most Common Conditions That Our Collagens Are Caused By Aging
(1)The levels of amino acids that are required to produce collagen gradually decrease as we age. Therefore the qualities of collagens in our skin and other tissues are weakened. (2) Over time, collagen fibers will be lost their moist properties and turn rigid. Most of the damages are caused by free radicals. Free Radical is a type of unstable molecule that is made during normal cell metabolism (chemical changes that take place in a cell). It also exists in our environment especially the polluted ones including vehicle exhausts and second hand smokes. Free radicals can build up in cells and cause damage to other molecules, such as DNA, lipids, and proteins. This damage may increase the risk of cancer and other diseases. Free radicals can damage the structures of the collagens or even cause the shortage of them, then they and our skin will be thicker and inelastic, and wrinkles and inelastic skin will be formed. Lots of scientists agree that the basic reasons of the aging of our bodies are because of free radicals. 
Can We Get All The Collagens That Our Bodies Need From Food?
Collagen contents are the richest in fatty foods. But in terms of health, we are not encouraged to eat foods with high fat contents. Therefore the possibilities for us to obtain all the collagens from food are very slim, especially when we reach certain age, the abilities for our bodies to produce collagen slow down. Scientists have done human studies which have proven that SUPER COLLAGEN beauty supplements can improve blood circulations and make our skin look healthier, youthful and lively within 60days. SUPER COLLAGEN is very convenient to use, they are in pill forms, water soluble as we digest them. The solution form amino acids can be absorbed into our body systems directly. And it can be used in 100%. Therefore you can see and feel the prominent results within a few days. 

Sbella Super Collagen Functions:
Lighten dark spots, prevent wrinkle formation and anti-aging
Promote skin elasticity
Boost energy and prevent fatigue
Prevent bone loss, increase bone density
Increase thickness of nails and prevent hair loss

Goodyear Creating Obsessive You When God Allows Perfume Centre & Packs Multiplying Pharmacy 

HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274

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