Sunday, March 7, 2021


我瞓得五個鐘多啲俾你哋喺咁嘈醒攞命你話好在你嘈醒我?我即使瞓足廿四小時都唔關你事,我唔識你亦都唔想識,我寫咗個Blog咁耐你哋冇俾過一毫子我仲喺咁偷我嘢損害我健康,工明明做到都唔俾我做,錢又唔俾,等我窮到窿,食都成問題,瞓都唔俾我瞓。我提意將個精神電子武器有關害人人等及幫兇全部送去做太空垃圾,横掂你哋已經定義上做咗宇宙廢物,坐監都嫌嘥米飯阻訂呀! 順便將所有精神電子武器毁滅。我要求咗幾年將個武器遊戲從我身上攞走冇人做過嘢,仲加埋人利用個武器嚟攻擊我揾我着數,可恥,仲衰過PAT屎呀你! 如果你收錢嚟搞我仲衰,為咗錢妄顧人命,你呢啲咁嘅人死咗會為全人類帶嚟幸福。

上帝喺全知全能㗎,你做埋最陰濕陰毒嘅嘢佢全部知道,你宜家唔死遲啲都i俾火湖燒進入永死! 等着及焦啦你!

Destroy all psychotronic weapons and take all the weapon users and make all harmful assistance space garbage since you are already universal garbage by definition. You guys keep waking me up even on the weekends. You never give me even a penny since I started to write my blogs and you even keep on stealing from me. You just try to kill an innocent stranger for no reason. I do not know you and I will never want to. How I live my life is none of your business!!! I never do harm to you but you have been constantly harming me. You guys do not give me a job, do not give me money. I am so broke that even food is a problem to me. You do not even let me sleep?!!! I have asked for taking me out of this game and weapon, nobody does anything.  You guys even use this weapon to participate in the attack and take advantages of me. Shame on you!!!  By the way, if you are American or you are paid by the Americans or Canadians to ruin me, you should jump into the lake of fire, it's yours!!!

FYI: Yahweh is watching you!!!

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