Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 我好Enjoy飲奶茶嘅感覺,尤其喺當我食完一餐濃濃嘅味精餐之後去享受一杯濃濃嘅奶茶,既可以解渴沖淡啲味精,又可以加番啲咖啡因嚮個system裏面,簡直就喺以毒攻毒,根本就唔洗瞓。味精可以令腦袋興奮,so as 咖啡因。所以好多時我會選擇奶茶多奶最好全奶,咖啡配咖啡伴侶走啡,起碼有堅果味同瞓得着,就喺咁,即喺杏(味)霜,合桃(味)露,或者Hazelnut(味)露,可能有化學嘢最好小心啲,又或者拉拉,咁就可以安息嘞。我喺牛BB,mooooo。

備註: 大便暢通無阻。。。。。豬大腸,好耐冇食,尤其炸嗰隻。。。食飽就屙屙完就瞓,我嘅人生。。。。。。。

I enjoy the feeling of drinking milk tea. Especially after a concentrated MSG meal, I enjoy a cup of concentrated milk tea. It can cure my thirst and dilute the MSG while adding caffine into my system, using poison to force the poison out, if it can. MSG can excite my brain, so as caffine, it means I do not sleep. That is why when I finally become rational, I usually drink milk tea with tea served on the side (I do not care which side, maybe the kitchen's side?) or fill the cup to the top with milk to dilute the tea or coffee.....mate only. At least it has some almond, pecan, or hazelnut..............flavor. I do not like artificial chemical.........flavor in there though. I think the best is pure dairy, 100% cream, who cares, so that I can sleep. I am currently sucking (it has been my long term problem),  with my reflex, from the box.

Note: "It" is going smoothly. See, I have the guts, told ya.

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