Thursday, March 11, 2021

 WHAT the HELL........O..........HECK is THAT? PIZ.....? or PIZZED?


The boss bought us pizza today, one slice per staff, but when he gave that to us, there was only one shrimp per slice without any other toppings, some slices do not even have any topping at all. Pizza Hut, do you guys really make pizza like that? Is it your "Very Special Offer"? Or your......our staffs.......friends......boss stole the toppings? You better confess at the priest's booth....if you do not want to talk directly to our Heavenly Father......too embarrassed to look at the priest's face or talk to God directly huh? Or you think Jesus's death and resurrection are not good enough to reconcile God and you...huh? God can see everything.....even the things in your heart......He numbers your knows you from your bald top to your fat bottom....He even knows how your poops look like.....what is so embarrassed about confessing to Him directly.....huh? You talk to the dead saints and talk to Mary instead of talking to Heavenly Father? Are you boycotting God? Huh? Answer me? WHERE ARE THE REST OF THE PIZZA TOPPINGS!!! Why did you persecute Christians years ago and persecute them again? By taking away my......our pizza toppings huh? Just eating the crust will gain weight without the nutrients!!! And you serve us cokes? You persecute us with sugary carbohydraty unhealthy food huh? And you are eating all the proteiny and vitaminy and fibery toppings huh? HOW DARE YOU! You better talk to Heavenly Father instead, the dead saints or pretended to be saints from the evil side taught you the wrong things!!!

By the way today is Goodyear's International Women's Day Birthday. Happy Career Birthday, YOU BALDY HEAD!!! You better treat me me me me me me me me me me.....n better!!!! International means everybody, not only your girlfriend....she is not even a nation, it is not related to all!!! You favoritism persecuting greedy toppings thief!!!

.(............A few angry moments later............)

After my vigorous protest and strike....the main branch pretended that they could not finish eating the pizza and gave us two more vegetarian slices. Well at least we get a tiny little bit more fibers and vitamins....This is the branch without the main....Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy.......News!!!

今日阿SIR請食。。。ZA。。。必勝嗰隻。。。象徵住嚟合成買嘢嘅客都喺贏家。。。恭喜晒。。。適逢合成婦女生日節,仲要喺國際嗰隻。。。我哋都嚟慶祝吓。。。蝦意大利薄餅。。。請留意。。。一隻蝦。。。字炙。。。每一塊。。。有啲仲要冇。。。吓?您哋點做嘢咖?抑或有人想蝦我。。。哋食晒啲蝦。。。呀?吓?答我呀?如果喺您哋好去告解喇,去個神父盒度。。。人哋唔喺咁叫?。。。是但啦。。。都喺一句姐。。。都知您唔敢同阿天主佢直接講嘢咖嘞,次次唔喺同聖母講就同阿聖彼得講,佢哋聽唔聽到都成問題呀,其實點解您唔同天主上帝直接講炙?您有幾多條頭髮。。。頭髮?。。。佢都編晒號碼呀,您豬腩有幾斤肥膏佢又知 (您咁肥仲食晒我啲嘢?),您心裡面諗過啲咩乾淨污糟嘢佢都知倒晒啦,佢連您篤屎喺點嘅樣佢都知呀,仲怕咩醜炙?坦蕩蕩咁去同佢有罪咪認罪冇罪咪催吓水囉!如果唔喺即喺當阿耶穌為我哋死咗又復活嗰單嘢喺流㗎啫,連我哋同上帝和好嗰單嘢都搞唔掂。。。總之您就。。。還翻啲PIZZA料俾我。。。哋啦!我。。。哋需要蛋白質同纖維呀!


(....A few moments later....)


Goodyear Caring About The Women At Your Home And Making You So Pretty And Nice And Sharp Brain That It Is Impossible To Personal Attack You Perfume Centre &  Pharmacy 
HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


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