Saturday, March 13, 2021

 Someone changed the password of my computer and I cannot even log in. Please pray that it will be fixed soon. Thanks. They also broke into my place to steal a whole roll of brand new toilet paper. About a week ago, someone injected acetone into my food in the fridge. They even planted mould on it. I live by myself, so any manipulation means someone actually broke into my rental place. The other possibility is they damaged my computer keyboard so what I type is not what is inputed. They scraped off the paint, put black ink on my white computer and lifted the keyboard keys on my computer before so they got stuck. When I first typed in i typed once and there were two letters inputed on the screen. Then afterward it changed back to one one key typing. But still I could not log in.

March 14, 2021 2:33pm The computer is fixed after I called the police and bought some grocery. Please pray that no one except Heavenly Father can manipulate my home, my belongings, my body nor my mind without my consent.

The reason I called the police again was because they stole my tap lock inside my apartment, I reported the changing of password to the police yesterday.

Thanks for your prayers, brothers and sisters in Christ.

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