Friday, June 5, 2020


I do not know if people have been using witchcraft or not. I found whole bunch of ants on my candies before the packages were even opened. So I washed the ants off and ate them all. I got a feelings there are some witches, wizards, satanists living or locating in my neighborhood. God will never do something like that, He never guesses my intentions wrong and He does not waste His resources nor destroy His blessings. Do you guys know how far can people use witchcraft to cast spell on people? Any anti-Christ is on satan side and they are very likely going to swim in the lake of fire in the future. Please pray in Jesus Christ Mighty Name that God will protect me and everything He has blessed and will bless me with because Our Heavenly Father has full authority over satan. Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold
Insect and Witchcraft

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