Tuesday, June 30, 2020


This lady said that they were earning millions and millions everyday. Then she started stepping on my blog because what I wrote did not rhyme. She said I should not go out but  should stay home. At the same time she was invading my privacy. I told you this earth does not even have human rights especially somebody like me, unemployed and live in poverty. In conclusion,  money can buy human rights.
Note: I think she has the same mentity as the guy who crashed the wheelchair into me on purpose last time, she just expressed it in a "gentler" way.


Staring at people eating steaks and chickens and stuff
I am not even hungry and do not feel like eating anything
I think maybe I am in love but do not have anyone to love
What is this big fat unemployed loser me even doing


Referred Pain From Tummy To Legs


After putting a liter of high fat whole milk into my high fat body, , I immediately found out all the facts.




The only one who should be a dictator is our Heavenly Father because all His decisions are always right. But He choose not to be one and let us have freedom to think and choose even though we make mistakes all the times, how cool is He!


I am thinking if even ICAC is corrupted, or if it reports directly to a dictator leader of Hong Kong , I am not going to wear glasses anymore!


如果看更或者保安甚至保安公司俾人收買,又或者居住喺一個獨裁者統治嘅國家,啲警察保安只喺保護政權唔保護人民,又或者淨喺保護收買佢哋嘅人,咁要啲保乜警物嚟做咩呢?如果賄款高唔過佢哋嚟緊十幾二十年嘅薪水加退休金,咁就因小失大喇,仲可能要坐監留案底添, 之後想再搵到工都幾難喇。收咗賄款然後喺餘生冇曬薪水同退休金,抵你哋"發達"嘅!
If securities or even security companies are bribed, or if we live in countries that are governed by dictators, police and securities protect the government instead of citizens or they protect only the ones who bribe them Why do we still have police and securities in this world? Well the bribes better be higher than their salaries for the future ten to twenty years plus pensions, otherwise they will lose  more than gain, or even be put into prison and have criminal records. The next thing they will face is unemployment. In other words, they take the bribes and lose salaries and pensions for the rest of their lives. Worth it!


Connect? I Cut.


Google Pictures


I think short people should be shortlisted.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


I am scared by my biceps
I am relaxed by my triceps


嘩嘩嘩大佬!你冷靜啲放低槍慢慢講!我入嚟食個薯條買個Happy Meal嫁炙,冇惡意嫁!
Wooh! Hold on bro! Put down your gun first and we can talk. I just come to eat some fries and buy a Happy Meal, I mean no harm!
Happy Meal is not for adults! Pick another one or I will pull the trigger!


Persecuted Anonymous


In order to ensure national security, it is illegal to enter any food or public premises in Hong Kong according to Hong Kong National Security Law. Offenders will be executed painlessly by shooting on site without trial.


既然疫情咁嚴峻不如死咗佢啦! 周街揾枝槍指住我個頭你算咩意思呀?你哋班人喺咪痴線咖?我宜家殺咗你哋全家牙?吓?你知唔知你哋令到我幾焦慮呀?𢺳雞啦你! 仲等咩呀?長痛不如短痛,一了百了算啦!
槍手: 麥當勞叔叔
Since the outbreak is so severe, I should die! Why are you keep pointing guns at my head? What's wrong with you people? Did I kill your families or something? Do you know how much anxiety and worries you have caused me?Let's end this nonsense! Come on, pull the trigger!
Gunman: Ronald McDonald


Money is a concern?
Learn  how  to earn.


我又明喇! 因為佢太醜樣,所以成日揾窿捐收埋自己,希望有蕉一日美好嘅事情含發生,原來真喺有㗎,你睇個BB幾得意,肥嘟嘟咁又白滑水嫩,都話男人冇咗女人唔得嫁啦!
I got it! It's because he's so ugly, he kept looking for a hole to hide himself and hoped that something good would come out of it. Good thing does happen! Look at that cute little baby, chubby little face, hands and legs with silky smooth skin!  A man can't live without a woman,  told ya!


Actually, why using the hip to hop, doesn't he have legs?

Saturday, June 27, 2020


你先後次序好似掉轉咗噃。 講嘢都唔合邏輯嘅,喺咪冇嘢到肚諗唔到嘢呀,不如我哋去食個飯先啦!
We seem moving too fast, are you in a hurry?
I'm not, but your ovaries are. They told me they're going to close down their business soon!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I've heard about that as well. Ok hurry up, let's go to the city hall!
Wooh, hold on...now that's way too fast!
I think you probably switch the order a little bit. What you're saying is not even logical. You must be hungry so you can't think clearly. Let's go and eat first.




當我對住啲雕像身型面孔頭髮嘅男人,真喺孿都變翻直,仲會變得好鹹濕,有啲想俾佢攬住嘅感覺,不過世界上邊有呢啲嘢吖,可惜可惜!可能因為咁樣上帝唔贊成我哋雕咁多像,十誡話嘅,當藝術品就得,崇拜佢哋就萬萬不能,如果唔喺人類就絕種㗎喇。男人一到咁上吓年紀,或者都未到咁上吓年紀,又禿頭,又大肚腩,真喺不堪入目嫁,某啲種族人仕仲要成身毛,嗰揪香腸蛋蛋又巢皮又暗瓦色又剩,仲成日攞嚟炫耀,好似多咗條嘢就高人一等咁,個身又臭又自大又哩啡又牛精,仲要喺人類歷史上同埋嚮我屋企不斷咁壓迫女性。。。男人真喺好恐怖,好多時令我想作嘔,我依家知點解大肚婆會成日想嘔,因為佢個肚提醒佢俾啲嘔心嘅男人搞過,想唔嘔都幾難,嘔咗三個月連黃膽水都嘔埋出嚟,再加上俾啲控制狂男人長期洗腦,先冇得再嘔。仲有,男人本身同老咗都咁樣衰,喺因為佢哋花心,光晒頭大晒肚腩加埋條巢皮黑蕉,喺等佢哋專一,冇咁吸引搞唔倒出面嘅女人,女人通常愛上咗一個男人就會繼續愛,而且女人有深度,即使佢伴侶變成咩樣都唔會放棄。 不過亦有例外,有啲女人鍾意撬人老公,有啲男人呢又鍾意撬人老婆喎,又好多時呢又為咗嗰錢字喎,所以為咗健康同婚姻著想,都喺修吓身,剃吓鬚,盡量做個有腦又專一嘅雕像男人啦。正所謂Keep得倒就當你寶,Keep唔倒呢就戴綠帽喇!仲有,點解女人俾男人靚咁多喺因為造物主要男追女,女人只喺負責吸引,男人負責被吸,即喺女人唔郁男人郁,卵子唔郁精子郁,明唔明白?唔明就要問,問佢可唔可以做你女朋友。睇雅歌阿所羅門王點攀山越嶺溝女你就知嘞,仲有佢條女喺咁叫人唔好喚醒佢條仔,等條仔自己情願,女追男犯規嫁!
If I hang out with  a man who has sculpture body, face and hair, I will be turned straight right away, I may even have those needs all of a sudden and want him to hold me in his arms. However, where can I find a man like that? Too bad so sad! Maybe that is the reason God does not want us to make too many sculptures in the Ten Commandments, treating them like pieces of arts is alright, but not to admire nor worship them. Or else human species will extinct. When men reach certain age or not yet reach certain age, they become bald and big bellied, it is hard for women to look at them directly. Some of the races, men are all hairy. I do not understand why mens' wieners and balls are dark and wrinkly but they still always boast about them. It sounds like they are more superior because they are one wiener more than women. Men are stinky, full of themselves, messy and aggressive, and they have constantly been oppressing women in human history and in my home. Men are disgusting and they make me sick. Now I know why pregnant women want to vomit, because their pregnancies remind them of having been intimated with those disgusting men. After three months of torture, their feelings got numb and they are brain washed by those controlling men, so the vomits stop. Aging men and non-aging men are ugly because they are pigs, they have baldness, midsection expansions, plus the wrinkly dull colored banana so that they can be faithful to their spouse. They become unattractive and cannot cheat with other women. Usually when a woman falls in love with a man, she stays in the relationship. And women are deep, they do not give up on their spouses no matter how their spouses change in their looks. But of course there are exceptions,  some women like to steal others' husbands, some men like to steal others' wives, and some people do that for money. So for the sake of your health and your marriages, keep yourselves fit and clean, shaved and trimmed, be  brainy, faithful men with sculpted bodies. Or else, your wife may join other bodies. Also, women are more attractive than men because women are responsible for attracting while men are responsible for being attracted, which means women stay still and men move, eggs stay still and sperms move, do you understand? Ask if you do not, ask her out for a date and to become your girlfriend! If you want some references, read Songs of Solomon and see how King Solomon climbed from mountains to mountains to chase a girl. And the girl kept reminding people not to wake up love until her man was pleased and willing. You are breaking the rules if you want girls to chase you, chickens!



Romance with a Roman


Dealing with a guy like this shortened my mom's life for decades.


啲人死要面,明明自己錯喺度死撐,仲講大話話80%罪案發生喺唐樓,完全冇根據,就喺為咗Ban我個Idea,就喺為咗證明自己個仔啱,證明自己啱。累到我雞無鴨血都仲要死撐,自己幾廿年都喺住唐樓,又話地方大啲樓底高啲,揀咗要埋我哋由細住到大就好地地,我揀就喺錯, 有埋兩道大閘一道大門一家大細都住得好地地都話唔安全,一講話我錯嗰個撒旦教女人即刻大笑,分明就喺妒忌上帝俾個好地方我,所以即刻唔俾我住啦。迫我番香港都唔知做咩,成日俾人入屋抄嘢搗亂偷錢,話咗D看更夾埋人哋害我,將我啲私穩爆出嚟,出入又單單打打,着咩衫都關佢哋事。自己住嗰度個看更睇住佢亂咁放人入大厦,跟埋我上樓鬧我痴線,仲死都迫我住啲有看更嘅地方,仲要又細又貴,爛喺高檔咁,咁高檔大厦裏面D人就唔會爆格搗亂傷人啦。想揾人監視搜查定公開我私隱呀?抑或公佈我同邊個出入幾時出入通水叫人入屋偷嘢呀?要監視就監視啲賊,要困住就困住爆格嗰啲人同主謀。犯法嗰啲就大搖大擺,無辜嗰D反而好似坐監咁仲繼續俾人害,有冇離譜D呀?仲要話要我喺度俾人害多一個月,一定要你個仔幫我搵地方先俾我搬,喺咪一時間安排唔到,需要一個月嚟安排第二個害我嘅地方呀?醒吓啦你! 你俾撒旦利用緊呀! 話自己信天主,次次我講親上帝都叫我唔好講!你有幾廿年經驗上帝有永恆嘅經驗仲要乜都知,邊個把炮啲呀?

Friday, June 26, 2020


This was the email content I sent to a social worker who has been trying to help me:
As you know I have been trying to move out of this place since last year and my family banned every single one of my chosen places. Even they said  I can choose, but right after I made the decision they banned it. My dad continue to let my bro to hold on to the money and my brother kept holding on to it without letting me move to the place I want. After I choose the place that met their criteria, my brother added more criteria and banned my idea. So as my dad, he stepped on the choice I made even after I choose the place very close to where we used to grow up, and the price was much lower.

I got a feeling that they did it on purpose to trap me here so that people can continue to control me, steal and damage my stuff. One time I showed the bruises to my bro and sharp glass that the burglars left behind, and the stained bed sheet, he said that I hurt myself, broke the glass and stained my bed and lied about them. His wife was on his side. They yelled at me on the street and said my brain had problems. They even tried to ruin my reputation in public so that no one will believe what I say.

My bro told me I can choose the apartment that is closed to my dad, so I found some and walked there to look at them. But on my way there, people bumped a wheelchair with a person on onto my feet. I asked him to stop and he lied that he could not stop and push even harder. My right foot was swollen after that. When I met my bro and his wife in Hung Hom, I told my bro's wife my foot was swollen, she did not even care, and a lady at the store said 抵死,I hurt my foot because I did not listen to my brother. They have been trying to stop me from going to another district all the time. Either put obstacles in front of me or use my family to do so. My brother said I have to live close to him. But when I choose yau tsim mong which is only 30min walk from his place, he said 唔好發夢,which means I can't choose that area even it is closed to both him and my dad. He said I was 扮孝順。

Recently my left knee, thigh and hip were constantly being hurt by the tech attack, and these several days my right knee hurt whenever I moved it. I do not think I hurt it recently unless someone hurt it when I am unconscious either by the tech or by the burglar.

I wish I can have lots of money so that I can move anywhere I want without being controlled by my family.

I know they purposely trapped me here for a reason. Most likely an evil reason. I know that my bro and some of my family members have been ganging up against me. I asked them to send me back to US, the rent there is much cheaper. They totally ignored me.

I just know I cannot save up money for my tuition (800000 HKD in total) and even lose money. And I constantly have to worry about safety, money, food, blocking doors and windows when I am in Hong Kong. And my family does not even let me move to a safer place. 

Right now as I am typing up my email, the tech weapon is contracting my uterus. And my right knee is still hurting when I move it.

This is my update.


Thursday, June 25, 2020


You do not deserve it.


Living under the roof of somebody else is not a problem, but if that somebody is a jealous, poison-hearted, greedy, controlling person, then I am doomed. I have been living under the roof of my Heavenly Father for over 30 years, He has never oppressed me, I have been so free and  blessed because of Him. If you want to help others, but force your ways onto the "beneficiaries" against their wills, you are basically just like a rapist i.e. 'I am having sex with you for your own benefits. You have the needs anyway, I know that you are enjoying it!' If you truly want to help out someone your helps have to fit their needs and wants. When you force someone to have something that they do not really want, and you do not even give the things that they truly need or want, are they human beings or landfills to you?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020




It is time for me to grow roots and bear fruits, but Hong Kong does not have land and soil for me to do them.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


My right knee hurts whenever I move the joint, I do not remember I hurt it recently. I suspect the enemies either used the psychotronic weapon to injure it or they came into my place after they put me into deep sleep and injured it without me noticing it. Please pray that God will heal me completely and protect me from harm. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.


I told my family someone stole the only flower on the plant and the psychotronic weapon put a fake image in my head with one flower on the floor under the plant to cover up for them



Monday, June 22, 2020


 This dress makes you look fat!
I'm actually fat, it's none of the dress' business.


You got it the second time. That is called pain, you should not have smiled at him, little guy.


 I finally grow up and care for my personal hygiene, I actually take another shower only 3 days after the last one. But why do I need to take shower, I do not have a job and I do not need to see anyone anyway.


其實呢,我喺鏡頭前個樣呢,都幾似女強人,尤其喺著咗恤衫再紮嗰髻嗰陣,但喺冇嘢做又強唔出咩樣,惟有日日著恤衫紮髻喺個鏡頭前面對住個MON扮女強人, 雖然只係睇四仔,但喺起碼個殼似,強住一半先,遲啲強埋另一半,等自己身心靈都有啲滿足感啦。
Actually, I think, I kind of look like a CEO in front of the camera, especially when I wear a shirt and tie up a bun on my head. However since I am so unemployed, I can only have a C. Therefore I prefer to tie up a bun and wear a shirt in front of the camera everyday, and look at the monitor all day long just to pretend to be a real CEO, although I just watch porn usually. At least I have the CEO look and so I achieve a third of it, and I can wrap it up later by completing the other two third. I do all these just to satisfy my body and soul a little bit so that I do not kill myself.

Sunday, June 21, 2020


I am so experienced that I even became a homeless before. The only things I have not tried are being rich and having a model body. Since I am so unemployed and does not have much going on in my life, maybe I should give it a try. I am wondering how much does it cost to be a tall and skinny trillionaire. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020




If it is company's policy that their female employees have to wear high heels at work, especially if the those jobs involve lots of walking or running around, then I do not think it is fair. They are forcing employees to do something that hurt their health, it is just like deliberately harming others with threats.

穿高跟鞋會造成什麼後遺症呢? (資料來源: 台北市立萬芳醫院)
一般來說,醫師會建議平時最好能穿平底鞋,避免穿高跟鞋給腳尖部位太大的壓力,或是穿著不當的鞋型、尺寸太大或太小,都會發生危險和產生骨頭的畸形。高跟鞋的問題相當的多,根據臨床問診統計,高跟鞋(厚底或細根)所導致的傷害包括:扭傷、摔傷、肌腱發炎、大腳趾外翻等。這些問題在短時間內看起來並不是那麼嚴重;但是長期而言,卻會導致年輕女孩的腳部變形、肌肉酸痛、姿勢不正確等後遺症。至少在國外來說,就已經發生了「厚底高跟鞋」差點摔死人的悲劇。這種烏龍 事件,居然發生在踩高跟鞋的美女身上,真的讓人十分惋惜!要如何避免高跟鞋的傷害醫師建議:還在發育的年輕少女,儘量不要穿包覆型的高跟鞋,影響腳的發育,盡量穿讓腳趾外露的高跟鞋,讓腳有充分的伸展空間。不要選擇太高的跟。也不要長時間穿著高跟鞋,平時應以平底舒服的鞋走路。如果不慎摔傷或跌倒,要找醫師檢查,不要隨便忽視它,以避免後遺症。
現代婦女常常需要出席宴會或各種社交場合,穿上一雙高跟鞋在所難免,尤其是身為高階的女性主管更是如此,穿上了高跟鞋,並搭配代表精明幹練的套裝,不僅將身體線條修飾得更加玲瓏有致外,也將更具有權威感,真是一舉數得。但事實上,穿上高跟鞋已經改變了人體原本站立及行走時的生物力學,也改變了身體重心線所經過的關節。穿上擁有幾公分高鞋跟的高跟鞋,會將原本腳跟承重的位置,因為腳跟往上抬的緣故,重心將落於前腳掌上,使得踝關節穩定性變差,容易有腳踝扭傷的危險性,且小腿後筋容易縮短。至於膝關節則因為重心線落於其前方,故膝蓋容易有往後頂的情形,也就是過度伸直,此狀況會加速關節磨損及退化,使得膝蓋產生疼痛及無法下樓梯。另外,骨盆會有往前傾現象,造成屁股往上翹,腰椎過度前彎,加速腰椎關節壓迫及背後肌肉長度縮短、下腹部肌肉鬆弛,產生腰酸背痛症候群。雖然穿上高跟鞋,容易產生上述各種後遺症,但只要在穿高跟鞋前後,勤加保健自己的身體,並在休息時從事穿高跟鞋慣性姿勢的反方向動作(下肢拉筋的運動及肌力訓練),便可以減少高跟鞋改變人體工學情況後,所產生的各種肌肉骨骼系統的疾病,相信一定可以把傷害降至最低。第一,高跟鞋的鞋跟,以不超過5公分的高度為限,過高會對健康有害。第二,穿上適當的高跟鞋(鞋跟不宜太細),並保持身體抬頭挺胸。第三,第一次穿上高跟鞋,需來回走3遍,以適應鞋與地面接觸的感覺,增加熟練度。第四,穿上高跟鞋後,避免手提太重的物品或背包,以減少重心不穩,降低跌倒的機率。 第五,穿上高跟鞋容易使重心前移,造成膝關節過度後頂,所以在休息時,身體可以靠牆,作半蹲的運動,膝關節彎曲約20度,作重覆性的運動。第六,由於骨盆過度往後頂,容易造成背肌無力及腹肌鬆弛,預防可以作骨盤前後傾斜運動。第七,高跟鞋減少足部接觸地面的面積,所以本體感覺較差,容易造成踝關節扭節,可以加強單腳站立的機會,以增加本體感覺。 預防就是最好的治療,若能少穿高跟鞋當然最好,若是真有必要,則平常的保健工作就得確實執行,以免發生受傷後,再也無法穿上漂亮高跟鞋,並搭配最新流行的服飾,健康又優雅自在地走在馬路上了。
High Heels: Health Risks (Source: United Hospital, Center)
The Causes
High heels change their wearer’s walking pattern. The average person who regularly sports heels takes shorter and more forceful strides when walking than those who regularly wear flat shoes. These types of steps can put extra pressure on the knee joints, which may lead to osteoarthritis (the erosion of cartilage between bones, causing bones to rub against each other).
When wearing heels, the body must adjust and shift its overall weight and center of gravity to compensate for the heel of the shoe. The higher the heel, the higher the risk of lower back, hip, and knee issues.
With habitual wearing of heels two inches or higher, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles can face changes in shape. As the shoe heel pushes up the human heel, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles are facing increased pressure. The tendon may shorten, and the muscles can stiffen and reshape. This can occur in individuals who frequently wear heels, and can create pain in the body’s lower extremities.
After years of high heel wear and body readjustment due to the shoes, you may experience discomfort when wearing flat shoes or walking barefoot. The body will have adapted to the shape of the heels, causing irritation when other types of shoes are worn.
How to Prevent or Lessen the Painful Effects
If you are feeling the consequences of constantly wearing heels, there are steps you can take to help combat the aching and discomfort. These suggestions can help decrease the pain you are feeling from wearing high heel shoes.
Change your shoe choice – Go for flat shoes, or shoes that provide more support and cushion.
Switch up your exercise routine – Reduce frequent stress on your knees, hips, and lower back while exercising. Rowing, swimming, and the elliptical are low-impact types of exercises that are easier on your joints.
Minimize the amount of days you wear heels – Try adding flats or wedges to your shoe selection. Go for a shorter heel – Heels two inches or less put less pressure on joints. Stretch your calves before and after wearing heels – Allow yourself time for lunges or other calf-stretching methods. Place cushions in your shoes and heels – Make your shoe choices more comfortable for your feet.


When I enjoy eating my own kind so much, should I praise God for that?


咦! 咁係咪箝制思想新聞廣播言論自由呀?
So is this violating Freedom of Thought, Press, Broadcast and Speech?


佢唔要我喇! 佢嫌我窮呀! 好唔開心呀!
He does not want me anymore because I am poor! My heart is sinking right now.



Friday, June 19, 2020


啲經紀話樓價冇跌過, 香港嘅樓市價格果然經得起風浪, 示威加肺炎影響下都繼續維持高企。


Your mom is not here.


DLLM = Dear Lovely Loving Mother
FUCK = Future Universal Christian Kindergarten




Why don't you move me to Wuhan, the housing is supposed to be cheap there, and I can probably die earlier. I love you so much and I don't want to waste too much of your money! Come on! Kill me quickly in a huge mansion, baby!


返嚟香港我學識咗一樣嘢,當你冇錢就要任人擺佈, 尤其喺香港住屋咁貴。同埋有錢嘅人所做嘅嘢即使違背聖經都喺唔會錯嘅, 而窮人做嘅嘢呢就唔會啱嘅。
I learned something after I came back to Hong Kong. When you do not have money you have to be controlled by others, especially because Hong Kong housings are so expensive. And whatever rich people do, even when it is  against the Bible, is never wrong. Whatever poor people do is never right.


You look much skinnier than your pictures, apartments.


The followings are the exact wordings of my message online with my dear family after they rejected my requests and insulted me multiple times:
上次已經揀咗仲睇埋你唔肯俾我搬嗟你兩日前先遲咗成個鐘我嗰日遲10分鐘因為腳腫咗你兩公婆當街鬧我,跟住又差開話題又話我有病要睇醫生先俾我搬又話我死人熊度又話我個人格有問題所以唔會俾我搬當街當行, 態度, 之前講好咗第二日我一決定到就同業主講結果我決定咗你就話睇医生呀死人態度呀人格呀嗰D嘢我喺度俾人㩒住搶同入屋偷嘢,又恐嚇冇咗成二萬蚊喺咪你賠俾我我仲要草錢交學費你哋叫我番嚟既目的喺咪想害我麻煩你單声我揀D好鍾意又平嘅你哋就Ban,你揀D我唔中意嘅你哋就迫我住點解可以咁陰毒想我死?冇嘢留到俾你哋嫁噃我尋日D食物又俾人放蟲未開嘅,打開包裝裏面滿晒蟻樓上條友講話佢地撒旦教我都知呢區出街俾人偷二千蚁,八達通都偷埋几千蚊卷俾人偷街市俾人用cutter指住嚟恐嚇揾箱Dang我根本就唔安全人命同金錢都唔安全唔好再迫我啦你想我死可以出声嫁,等我睇吓點避開你哋囉麻煩哂 i found one that is under 7000 more than 200 sq ft your dad banned it because of you he tried to prove that you are better than me the good ones already stolen i found several of them because you don't let me move they stole them already we already found the ones that matched and we looked at them together, the very next day, you started talking about my attitude, my personality, you and your dear wife even called me crazy.on the street and you agreed on those and told me to make decision the next day then the next day you said no you wanted me to see doctors about my brain in order to let me move i showed you all the evidence you still called me crazy on the street.you want to ruin my reputation and ruin my career your dad, your wife and you I know why I still cannot find a job now I already looked at 8 of them and I found the one that I like you guys banned all of them even you said I can make the decision and I made it then you banned it you said you are busy and I should look for it, after I found them, you and your (dad) banned them do u want me to waste my whole life looking for an apartment and never be able to move and lose everything, we already found the ones that matched and we looked at them together, the very next day, you started talking about my attitude, my personality, you and your dear wife even called me crazy. I found them online and we looked at them together, and you said you will let me make the decision, then you said you wont let me move because  I refuse to see the doctor about my brain. And let me emphasize, my brain is in good condition, by God's grace. last time I spent 3 months, looking for it and negotiate it. you and your dear father banned it this time I found something even similar to where our whole family used to live, and you guys banned it again. you and your dear father banned it again.I am the one who live there and I am the one who is suffering and you don't even let me make my own choice. actually I looked at 10 of them already. i already pick them and you already looked at them, you promise I can pick those and you banned it after I made the decision, in the district that you like we look at 3 of them And I already looked at 10 of them your dad said he want you to find a place for me to move asap after he banned my ideas. i just know that other area is safer according to my experience maybe this area has lots of poor and under educated people, and they worships fake gods that's why
Note: in order to protect their privacy, I omitted their message

Thursday, June 18, 2020


I hate that when people point guns at my head. Shoot me! I dare you!


而家想溝仔好易嫁咋,除口罩啦! D仔𥄫口罩𥄫到口淡淡,妳除口罩佢哋就𥄫妳嫁喇! 要仔唔要肺定要肺唔要仔,才妳啦! 又或者等條有深度嘅仔又得,得咗!
It is easy to get a guy these days, just take off your mask! Guys are already tired of flirting with hello kitty, melody, little twin stars masks. Once you take off your masks they are going to flirt with you! Guys or lungs, take your pick. Or, you can wait for a guy that is super deep and he cares only about your inner beauty.


結婚嗰日我老公一定要靚仔,之後即刻離婚,因為靚仔唔可靠。然後攬住D結婚相過世,post晒上FB,IG, Blog,一屋都喺。
My husband has to be very handsome on my wedding day, then we will get divorced immediately because handsome guys are not reliable. Then I will hold the wedding pictures every night to sleep for the rest of my life, post all of them on Facebook, Instagram, my blog, and fill up the whole house with them. Maybe I should even play the wedding video on my computer or project it on a big screen day and night like an aquarium.


Signs that you may be experiencing psychosis include:
  • hallucinations (hearing voices, seeing things that aren’t there, feeling strange sensations)
  • delusions (false and often unusual beliefs about yourself or the world that you believe are true)
  • paranoia (feelings of being watched, talked about or plotted against)
  • behaviours or reactions that don’t make sense to others
  • personality changes
  • changes in emotion (feeling “flat” or emotionless, inappropriate reactions like laughing for no apparent reason, anger, irritability)
  • problems with memory, concentration, problem solving and judgment
  • loss of usual interests or motivation to do things
  • Kids Help Phone

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


今日熱到阿媽都唔認得,我又要周街走,著咗健冇袖衫嗟,就俾人話娶妻求淑女,仲要話你是知道的, 原來一出街就喺為咗要嫁,仲要熱成咁,真喺唔慌唔熟,你想焗熟定蒸熟,蒸呢就水嫩啲冇咁熱氣。呢個世界上呢喺有著長袖衫嘅淫婦嫁我想話你聽。
Today was so hot that even my mom could not recognize me, and wanted to walk around town, so I wore a sleeveless shirt. Because of that, somebody told me that guys like to marry ladies, and she even said I already knew it. So logically speaking, every time we go out we suppose to get married or get a husband, and since it is hot like that, everyone suppose to be well done instead of medium rare. Therefore, all the girls when we go out we have to make sure we are good girls until the males say well done and we have to make sure we are fully cooked with layers of clothes in the heat and get heat strokes. Guys want us to be hot, now I know how and why. Just so you know, there are whores in this world who always wear long sleeves. 


今日有個阿伯用載住佢老婆嘅輪椅撞落我度, 然後繼續用力推,明明已經企定定仲話停唔到,冇道歉冇退後,再出力推多兩嘢,我行開嘅時候明明穩穩陣陣咁扶住張輪椅企咗喺度,真喺當我喺LULU,於是我就鬧佢幾廿歲唔好咁陰毒,佢即刻收聲,原本想話小心收尾嗰兩年,但喺佢依家就要小心喇,原來魔鬼今次揀阿伯嚟上身,上次就用阿婆踩油撞我,撒旦真喺全民皆兵。俾輪椅撞完之後我隻脚腫咗行路仲有啲痛,阿伯都冇情講,賠湯藥費七倍吖唔該。
Today an old man banged his wheel chair and his wife onto my foot. Then he continued to push harder, he stood so still but he said he could not stop. He did not apologize nor back off, pushed a couple times more. When I walked away, he and his wife stood and sat so still and did not move a bit. He might think that I was an idiot! So I scolded him that he should get rid of his poisonous heart and he shut up immediately.  I wanted to tell him to be careful during his last couple years of life. But he  was already there so I thought he should start to be careful right at that moment. I just figured out devil possessed an old man this time, and it possessed another old lady last time when she stepped on the gas and hit me. Everyone can join satan's army very easily. After the elderly attack, my foot was and is still swollen and sore when I walk. He has to repay me even though he is old. Seven times the medical bills please and seven times of whatever I lose and have lost because of what he did.


I want to live in a super huge place in order to grow into it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


「好心你就修吓身啦,你再肥落去我驚我接受唔到呀! 」我對住個鏡講。
「個鏡肥關你咩事炙,由得佢啦!我哋Fit咪得囉! 」我40吋腩對住我講。
'Would you lose some weight please? I'm afraid I can't accept it anymore if you continue to be fat like this!' I said to the mirror.
'It's none of your business how fat the mirror is, let him be! As long as we're fit we're okay!' My 40 inch belly said to me


I just mine something from the cave and it is huge. Mine your own business, man!


I like white, except the stuff on my head, because white represents purity, and my hair becomes purer and purer within last decade, so pure that they have been rapturing to heaven in high speed. While my skin becomes eviler and eviler, that is why I am so unemployed and so single, people worry that I will cast spells on them. The positive thing is my skin has lots of texture, tracks  and gaps, bumps and holes, moles and spots, plus millions of blackheads that I have accumulated for decades.  As a result, I cannot fight but I can scare.


My belly stands out so much that it can be very supportive to no matter ABCDEFG....or even the most obese girls. But too bad the sisters want to work in the entertainment industries so she has been giving out all her food to her neighbors. That is why even everybody around become sumo wrestlers, they stay at pre-puberty stage, like sunny side up, you know? What a waste of my belly, do you want some, I can give you a chunk of it to roast, or make barbeque pork. After marinating it for several hours, cook it in the oven at 450F for one and a half hours.Trust me, it will be extremely juicy because of its dangerously high fat content. I can prove it by showing you my cross section, this is my MRI.


An elderly told me not to squeeze too often or I would have wrinkles in the valley, very good piece of advice. But it has been hard for me to see the sisters turn their backs towards each other and hide themselves in the corners, and they almost reach the level of my belly button, that is why I have been trying to give them some support. I am still unemployed. And I am very relaxed no matter my personality or my body due to gravity, so I usually let the sisters fly freely in the air (under my shirt), I give them support only when the centers of the targets try to show, and of course my belly button needs some personal space, you know?

Monday, June 15, 2020


The followings are what I reported to the police.

Dear Sir/ Madam:

The burglars put patches of red substance all over my cleaned bed sheet. I washed it many times before and there was no problem and I did not make it dirty after I washed it.

If you can I hope that you can put the burglars in jail so that I will not lose anything anymore. They have a pattern of destroying the things that I like, bags, plants, cartoon bed sheet, cartoon key chain, their intention is to attack me on top of greed and jealousy.
Thank you.


Sunday, June 14, 2020


差啲忘記咗嗰啲害我嘅人好大可能喺撒旦教嘅人,佢哋唔鍾意上帝嘅創造所以會用邪術搞破壞例如會引蟲, 傷害人,令人身體變形同患病, 令到動植物病 甚至死忙。落降頭其實都喺用邪術用緊魔鬼嘅能力去害人,只不過唔叫自己做撒旦教炙。撒旦教嘅人喺可以用魔鬼嘅力量令靈魂離開身體去害人,亦可以要求邪靈出動去害人,不過後果就不堪設想,因為佢哋嘅靈魂已經出賣咗俾撒旦,將會被拋入火湖裡面燒直至滅絕。撒旦就會嚮火湖裡面被永恆嘅火燒。請記住超自然嘅能力如果唔喺從上帝而嚟,就喺從魔鬼而嚟,而魔鬼嘅能力原本都係嚟自上帝,因為魔鬼以前喺上帝所創造嘅天使,只不過因為佢哋背叛上帝,被上帝逐出天堂,魔鬼用上帝以前比佢嘅能力去做邪惡嘅事繼續犯罪,目標喺想代替上帝,欺騙人類背叛上帝。撒旦喺上帝嘅手下敗將,佢同佢班𡃁將會被上帝毀滅,只係時辰未到炙,邪靈(前天使)即喺撒旦(前天使)啲𡃁喺好怕耶穌嘅 , 聖經都有講,唔信你睇吓。。。
 The people who do me harm are very likely satanic or even official satanists. They do not like God's creations so they may use demonic power to do damages e.g. attract insects, injure people, damage and deform our bodies, make people sick, make plants and animals sick and die. When they use black magic, they are using the power of satan to harm. They can use satanic power to do soul traveling in order to harm people. They can even send evil spirits to do destruction. And the consequence is the satanic people are going to be burnt in the lake of fire until perished. Satan himself will also be burnt in the eternal fire. Please remember any supernatural power if it is not from Heavenly Father, it is from satan, and the power of satan is originally from God because the devil used to be an angel created by God. But because he rebelled against God, he was cast out from Heaven and became the devil or satan. Satan just uses the power that God gave him before to sin against God and do evil things. His goal is to replace God, and that is why the devil has been deceiving human beings to turn their backs towards our Heavenly Father. Satan has lost the war to our Heavenly Father before, and he is going to lose again and be destroyed by God. Satan's subordinates, the evil spirits, are afraid of Jesus Christ, it is in the Bible, please read it......



Saturday, June 13, 2020


今朝突然間諗起我仲青春少艾嘅時候我第一次同班同學仔嚮個酒店派對度聽到YMCA呢首歌 (其實只喺個暢遊堂嚟,唔好幻想太多),仲被教做埋動作,除咗嗰四隻字母之外,其他全部原地向上跳,冚世界都喺咁,實在不堪入目,但跟住又諗,當年嘅香港人淨喺識唱K咖嗟 , 我個年代都冇Girl's Generation , 邊度會識跳舞呢?再加上我嘅圓美體態,好惡攪㗎噃 , 所以我已經原諒咗自己好耐嘞,仲有大家當時雖然廿幾歲仲幻想自己喺發育時期可以再高,先會做出啲咁嘅傻事咖嗟,跳到身水身汗嚟換個希望,都喺值得嘅。再諗吓?話明跳舞,就梗喺要跳㗎啦!唔識舞不過跳咗,起碼做到一半先啦!
This morning I suddenly thought about 20 plus years ago when I was hanging out with my classmates on my field trip, I heard the song YMCA for the first time, and I was taught to do their dance. Unfortunately, except that 4 alphabets, we just basically hopped up and down for the rest of the song, what a scene. But then I thought, Hongkongers in those years only knew how to sing Karaoke and we still did not have those Girl's Generation or Twice group yet, we could not dance. Also with my all rounded personality, it was pretty hard for me to handle any sort of activities like that. Therefore I already forgave myself long time ago. Furthermore, we were only in our 20's and we still imagined that we were in the middle of our puberty and could grow taller. That was the reason we hopped, I think. Sweated our butts off in exchange for a hope, worth it! Think about it, we could not dance but at least we hopped on beats for the whole song, that was quite an achievement already, what do you expect?


唔通我真係要四十四歲死? 好似早咗啲。我阿媽生Cancer都五十四歲先去啦!不過既然我咁冇記性,2020齊頭數容易記喎,死忌同結婚周年都同一年,咪唔會唔記得囉,咁我老公又可以翻頭嫁嘞,唔洗對住我燶口燶面,我又嚮死之前著一次婚紗,去一次蜜月旅行,幾好吖!都喺死唔眼閉㗎喇, 冇生B又事業冇成,不過冇計啦!
Am I really going to die at 44? A little too early I think. My mom passed on at 54 even though she had cancer. However 2020 sounds like a good number to remember. Since I do not have good memory, if the year on my tomb stone is the same as that on my marriage certificate, then I will not forget. My husband can remarry and he will not have to see me frown or sad anymore. And I can wear a wedding gown and go traveling on my honeymoon once before I die. It sounds like a very good plan. I know I will not be satisfied, no baby and no successful career. But I will have no choice anyway.





Friday, June 12, 2020


其實而家都幾好吖,冇得撈,翹埋雙手,靠個八十歲嘅老豆養,學校嗰度又搞到唔清唔楚,鍾意就坐地起價加啲乜費物費㩒住我嚟搶,想轉校又冇人收,唔覺意就俾啲電子武器假仔騷擾,扮吓愛我,唔覺意又俾佢哋遙距整到呢度痕嗰度痛,成身一噠噠癩,再唔喺又加啲癦加啲痣,俾人㩒住嚟攪冇得反抗,仲日日晚晚俾人攪下面做免費雞,擘大眼咩,冇人噃。啲鄰居陌生人鍾意就偷入嚟我屋企𥄫吓我偷吓嘢攪吓破壞,連錄影防盜嗰部機都俾人鍾意停就停,鍾意skip就skip,個網絡同電掣鍾意俾人停就停,電子器材鍾意俾人hack就hack,我嚮屋企已經有人喺天花板上面周圍擗擗啪啪, 出街一唔睇住個屋企,就俾人開燈刪燈撬門𠽤嚦隔嘞,連天花板都有兩個大窿極有可能通向樓上隔離嘅鄰居同電機房,任人爬入我家的風險極大。鍾意又爬入我露台破壞整爛整死偷我啲植物順便入埋屋。食物俾人放蟲,皮膚俾假蚊咬,個鼻對眼個頭隨時俾人整痕整痛流晒水咁,鍾意又加吓我水噗,鍾意又整痛我啲骨關節喉嚨內臟,鍾意又整到我甩成咋頭髮,仲要冚唪唥都喺珍貴嘅黑髮,應脫嗰啲毛又唔脫,唔應脫嗰啲毛就甩到一地都喺,四十幾歲啲白頭髮多到可以織冷衫,隨時攪到我昏迷不醒,一喺就不停嘈不停遙距咁搖整到我成晚瞓唔到,有時仲嚮假夢裡面引我暴露我啲密碼同個人資料, 佢哋認屎認屁扮明星扮特首扮我屋企人扮教授,仲話我詐騙,家陣唔知邊個詐騙呢?將自己做啲衰嘢推落我身上(projection), 戾橫折曲, 傷害無辜,我已經攪成咁仲嫌我唔夠衰再攪衰啲。將呢個武器擺我身上同有份害我嗰啲人應該拉去打靶,唔打靶就遙距咁嚮火湖見佢哋啦。話口未完,啱啱又洗咗我啲嘢要我從新打過,未講完,啲聲音同周圍啲人鍾意又評論吓我自己一個嘅時候撩眼耳口鼻屎屙屎用幾多格廁紙,鍾意又評論吓我啲屎屁有幾臭,踭在未講顏色,有時整到我肚屙,有時整到我尿頻同不停放屁,有時又整到我瀨尿,我同屋企人朋友私底下嘅說話都要俾佢哋知公開同評論,仲有網上網下乜資料都偷我嘅, 鍾意又宣佈吓我網上睇啲乜,鍾意就嚮我睇緊啲片度用人哋把聲加鹽加醋講大話,鍾意又郁我啲手腳,鍾意又整啲假夢嚟誣衊我,我俾人害完,有人會話我抵死,又話佢哋想我生cancer想我死, 鍾意又嚮街圍住我點煙食煙,鍾意又撞我個胸摸我籮柚,仲試過故意整瘀我可能想整斷我啲骨, 武器真人都一樣咁賤格,啲臭男人自己起痰又屈我鍾意佢,我連佢個樣都未睇清楚喺乜水,說話都講唔夠十句,有啲我從來都冇睬佢,結咗婚仲話要追,陷我不義毀我名譽,我以後仲洗出嚟行嘅?喺啲火遙距咁見你哋啦燒豬!
Actually I am living a good life, umemployed, arms folded and wait for my 80-year-old dad to provide for me. The school has been giving me unclear message, add this fee and that fee anytime anywhere as they wish and I can only obey. I want to change school but nobody wants me. The fake guys in the psychotronic weapon disturb me, pretend to love me, make me itchy here and painful there, give me scars everywhere on my body, put moles on my body. They manipulate my body and life and I have no way to defend myself. Every day and night I act like a free hooker and get electronically raped. When I open my eyes, nobody is there. My neighbors and random strangers just come and go into my home without my consent, they spy on me, steal and damage my belongings and sometimes money. Even the security device can be stopped anytime they want, it selectively record whatever happens at my place. The internet and the power outlets just being stopped and skipped anytime they want. My electronics are hacked as they wish. When I am home people keeps clicking everywhere in the ceiling. When I go out or not watching my home closely, the lights are switched on and off, the door is opened with tools or random people even have easy access for some reason and making noises. Even the ceiling is a possible route for people to get into my home, there are two big holes in my fake ceiling and it is possibly to be connected to my neighbors upstairs and next door and the electrical room. They put bugs in my food, they give me fake mosquito bites. They make my eyes, nose, head sore and itchy with fluid coming out.they put pustles on my skin, they give me pain in my bones, joints, throat and organs, they make me lose whole bunch of hair, mostly valuable dark healthy ones,  the hair that is supposed to be removed they do not remove, the ones that is supposed to stick on my head is all over the floor. I am in my 40's but I have so much gray that I can knit a sweater with it. They can make me pass out, and sometimes they make noises and shake me so much that I cannot sleep for the whole nights. They even force virtual reality clips into my brain to create fake dreams and make me expose my passwords and personal information. They pretend to be celebrities, chief executives, my professors and families to lie to me and steal my information and they say I am a fraud. I am wondering who is the real fraud? They are basically just projecting their crimes on me, twisting the truth and harming the innocent. My life is already a big mess and they are trying to make it messier. I think the person who put this weapons on me and the ones who use them to attack me deserve death penalties. Well if they do not want it, I will see them in the lake of fire from a distance. Well, here they come again and delete what I have just typed and I have to retype it all over again. I have not finished yet, those voices from the weapons and the people around me are commenting on what I do when I am all by myself, they talk about when do I pick my eye and my nose boogers and ear wax, they comment on how much toilet paper I use when I poop, they talk about how stinky my farts and poops are, again in my all-by-myself-time. They have not mentioned about the color though, because I do not look that it. They sometimes give me diarrhea, urinary frequency, unstoppable farts, they even make me pee myself. They have to know, announce and comment on whatever I talk about with my family and friends in our private times. They announce what I watch on the internet, they steal my personal information on and off the internet, they use other people's voices on the whatever I was watching to lie, step on me or try to make me sad. They move my limbs remotely, use some fake dreams to frame me and slander me. When I lose something or somebody wrongs me, they have a voice to tell me I deserve it. They say that they want to give me cancer and want me to die. On the street people surround me, light up and smoke cigarettes, they touch my chest and bottom and sometimes they literally bruise my body or even try to break my bones. The psychotronic weapons and the people in real life are both so wicked and dirty. Some guys think and tell people that I like them when actually they are the ones who fantasize about me. I do not know how exactly they look like and I have not even talked to them for more than 10 sentences. Lots of them I totally ignore. They say they want to chase after me even they are married, they are just trying to ruin my reputation and my future. How can I establish my career and have a good marriage when you spread rumors like that. Anyway, again, see you in the fire from a distance, roast pigs.

Monday, June 8, 2020


Flower Yue

教育程度: 幼稚園文憑

工作經驗: 26年
14K集團 (1994-2001)
工作範圍: 將購入之大批水果日用品分發各老人院孤兒院

和勝和集團 (2001-2009)
職位: 買手
工作範圍: 負責收購各黃色架步及非法賭場用以改建及轉營為教會,安老院,學校及慈善機構

和合圖集團 (2009-2015)
職位: 打手
工作範圍: 帶領團隊到各安老院,孤兒院,露宿者之家,街上,天橋底,公園等進行探訪,派發物資,跟弱勢社群打成一片。

新義安集團 (2015-現時)
職位: 總財
工作範圍: 負責管核集團收支及酬集資金,將集團屬下的酒樓、超市、百貨公司、地產公司、戲院、電子廠、印刷廠、製衣廠、玩具廠、托兒所等之部分收益分配於慈善用途,例如捐助及建設露宿者之家、老人院、孤兒院、教會、學校,捐贈物資予第三世界國家及災區賑災等等。




I Suffer Age
It Is Universal


Politically Collect


Run out of space
Free up the place


Impregnated by Fat
Injustice by Fact

Sunday, June 7, 2020


When I watched Batman Forever, I was thinking why in 1995 mind monitor and control were evil and Riddler was so bad that he had to be put in jail but in 2020 mind control and monitor all of a sudden become a trend that everybody seems to appreciate them. Does moral standards change over time? They give computers the authorities over human brain. I think that is pretty stupid. Have you seen movies that robots try to take control of the world and war against human beings? If we continue to give so much power to computers, World War III will happen, not nations against nations, but robots against us, human species. Who did God give dominion over the earth to? Humans or computers?


Watch "Balloon" and think why do they want to risk their and their children's lives to leave
Free Video Play Button Transparent, Download Free Clip Art, Free ...


The Beauty And The Beast
Close Your Eyes And feast


Dried Tofu


Star Trek Sidetracked
The crews are so ugly
They often get bullied
Stay on earth you silly


Pastor: You may say your vows
Groom: In sickness and in health I will cherish you blah blah blah.......
Bride: AEIOU
Note: In Canadian she meant "Eh? I Owe You." In English she meant she just found out that she owed her husband her love for the rest of her life.
羅汪聯婚二三四樓, 要咖啡嘛?


當愛去到盡頭就要結婚,以至浪漫昇華為責任, 正所謂佢食硬你嫁嘞,認命啦你。
When love comes to a finish line you have to get married so that romance is sublimed into responsibility. That is why people say you are doomed. Just admit that you cannot live without her, you big chunk of ego.


Volleyballs, Pork Chops and Steaks are closely related in Chinese Culture.


When I eat chocolate I am in love. Boyfriend?  No need. Especially those who discriminate me because I am broke.


I think playing volleyball is kind of similar to praying. You put your hands together and hand the ball over to God. How or where does the ball fall from above is decided by God. But of course you can pray with one hand sticking out, both hands raising up, rolling on the floor, lying down flat on the ground, or even using your head. There is no set position in terms of praying. However you must take praying seriously and talk to Him like family.


Clarification VS  Quibble
Clarification Clears
Quibble Cripples

Saturday, June 6, 2020


I do not know why I have been having sore throat these several days. Am I poisoned or the psycho attackers have been hurting me. The psycho attackers have been hurting my left knee, thigh and hip as well especially when I lay down. I do not know if they will cause permanent damage to my body if they keep on doing them.


I told someone if he bought me butter egg rolls, chocolates and ice-cream I will forgive him. But suddenly I did not think I could forgive him anymore so I took the risk of possibly eating garbage soon and bought them myself today. But he has never given me even a penny since the beginning, why did I even tell him that?
我同佢講如果佢買朱古力, 蛋卷同埋雪糕俾我食我就會原諒佢, 但喺我突然覺得佢罪無可恕所以我今日冒住好快要食垃圾嘅危險自己買咗。不過其實佢由頭到尾一毫子都冇俾過我佢又點會買嘢俾我食吖, 我嗰陣講嚟都多餘嫁。


今日買咗好多零食好開心, 一返嚟就喺咁趙, 不過我呢個狀態唔可以維持好耐, 如果我繼續買好快又要食垃圾, 正所謂一剎那嘅光輝唔代表永恆, 於是我同自己講我下次唔敢喇, 或者下下下次啦!睇嚟我都要開始準備我對我八十歲老豆嘅零食錢說服演講詞, 等佢有個心理準備同埋籌錢準備, 如果等到我開始食垃圾先準備就會太遲。
Today I bought lots of snacks and my action made me very happy. I started stuffing them down my throat the second I came home. But I cannot maintain this lifestyle for too long. If I keep on buying I will have to start eating garbage again very soon. Happiness does not last. So I told myself do not do that again next time, maybe next next next time. Maybe I should start drafting my negotiation speech to my 80-year-old daddy for snack money. So that he can prepare psychologically and financially for my snack fund raising. If I wait until I start eating garbage then it will be to late for him to prepare.


Today I was carrying some heavy stuff down the stairs and a guy asked if I wanted to do so, then he carried one side of it and I carried the other side. Afterward, he said that was my wages for today in exchange for the information they stole from me.  That does not count. Because you steal you have to repay me 7 folds. Just so you know, if that is the case, do not help. Take me off this stupid "game", go and steal no more. I have never agreed to join this "game" nor get monitored since the beginning. You are working against my will and violating my human rights. What were you guys protest about in 2019 again? If you invade peoples' privacy like that, what is the difference between Hong Kong and those dictatorship communist countries.


When are they going to  promote me from an in-caged hooker to a free-ranged hooker?
They put me in the prostitution field for over three years, can they give me my salaries?


Prostitution Prosperity


I am the only trophy wife that is not blonde, I am gray.
灰姑娘話: 美元發財, 冇得彈。


I do not have a trophy, I am a trophy.


I have been working really hard when I was young, why am I still a loser at my age. If  no matter how hard I worked I still am a loser, why did I have to work so hard. Vanity, it is all vanity.


My son is so soft and smooth, he is good baby material.

Friday, June 5, 2020


太陽隱形眼鏡 = 太形眼鏡
Sun Contact


I do not know if people have been using witchcraft or not. I found whole bunch of ants on my candies before the packages were even opened. So I washed the ants off and ate them all. I got a feelings there are some witches, wizards, satanists living or locating in my neighborhood. God will never do something like that, He never guesses my intentions wrong and He does not waste His resources nor destroy His blessings. Do you guys know how far can people use witchcraft to cast spell on people? Any anti-Christ is on satan side and they are very likely going to swim in the lake of fire in the future. Please pray in Jesus Christ Mighty Name that God will protect me and everything He has blessed and will bless me with because Our Heavenly Father has full authority over satan. Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold
Insect and Witchcraft


9 more of my baby lemons between last night and today. 56+133=189 lemons alive and whole on the tree the enemies have to return to me. I will ask God to restore them His way. Let us see how God will treat His enemies.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold

Wednesday, June 3, 2020




In the morning of May 31,2020, I found the umbrella I used to block the balcony door was broken with the handle came off. And I found bruises on my left thigh, swelling and pain on my right forearm. The bruises finally showed on my left knee and right forearm.


Between last night and this morning, someone plucked at least 2 of my baby lemons off the plant, came in and turn on my family phone and possibly deleted something (I turned it off last  before I went to bed last night) and stopped my clock. They came in and turned my clock back exactly an hour before and other times turned back several hours when I went out.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


6 more dead, so 126 flowers alive and whole in total on the tree please. By the way quite a few of their stamens were plucked out. Maybe there was someone sticking something out from a helicopter to knock that many off in one night. Thank God for healing a dying plant since last year and made it bloomed for the first time and this year He healed the plant again after whole bunch of pest attacks and He added even more flowers to it. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name I thank You Heavenly Father.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold

Monday, June 1, 2020


I thank God for giving me everything I have. I thank Him for growing my plants and healing them from whole bunch of attacks. God is good always.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold


There are lots of brown sticking out spots on my hands and forearms. I guess the psycho attackers have been very hard working. They also put lots of seemed to be noseeum bites on my skin. Whatever amount I need to remove them, or whatever I lose from these spots, please return 7 folds to me. Thank you in advance.
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold


 77 Flowers Alive And Whole On The Plant Please. Thank you in advance.


The Flower Closest To The Next Door Balcony And At The Edge My Balcony Facing West
May 31, 2020-June 1, 2020
(Cause of death, got dried up prematurely by human species, turned purple and fall off)
The Flower On the Bundle Sticking Out Pretty Far Facing South
May 31,2020-June1, 2020
(Cause of death: Stamen got plucked off and fell off the plant prematurely)
P.S. I am wondering if they used the nail clippers or the twiz
被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold


He does not rob anymore because God has given him an abundant life.